Just a nightmare..

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Riggy was back at the facility walking alongside C.R, everything was so dark and cold but they eventually stopped at a big door, they both entered the room, Riggy was a bit scared but followed C.R ,they went against The Boss, The Boss and C.R yelled at eachother before they all started a fight, Riggy was doing distractions and making The Boss slow down with his attack like with paint bombs hitting him slightly or just distractions , to help C.R attack The Boss but the everything faded next thing he saw was C.R being stabbed then thrown against the wall... he wasn't getting up,Riggy couldn't move, he heard The Boss saying something about hurting the others... but he couldn't do anything he could only watch the body C.R in the floor.......

Riggy woke up breathing very quickly slightly crying feeling more pain from his wound, C.R woke up too and was concerned

"R-Riggy? You ok? Why are you fucking crying? Wait did you get a nightmare..? pft, crybaby, anyway what was the nightmare about?" Preston being a meanie while also trying to be nice

"well we were fighting The Boss and you died and I couldn't move and probably the others died to like its not I care about the others or you like kinda but I don't wasn't to be responsible of more problems besides the ones I already have, you know?" Riggy was already calming down

"... wait you gave me an idea since right now its night we could go and hit him with what we have because he should be asleep and even if he wakes up we have an advantage of being more and being more awake than him, im a genius I know" Preston ignored everything Riggy said

"I guess you have a pint but I mean he did kill RoyalMelon so-"Riggy was cut off by Preston

"Melon was weak and he was one, we are 2 with powers, so I don't see your point" Preston was always thinking how dumb Riggy was.

"geez dude I was just saying no need for that but I also am terrified going to fight him specially after my nightmare..." Riggy was still a little scared by his nightmare

"that is a nightmare Riggy, if nightmares were real so would dreams and I mean you don't just dream about winning the lottery and boom next day you win it, its just a nightmare about the stuff you are scared to happen which were probably loosing someone else and failing to kill him so shut your pathetic crybaby ass and lets go ok" Preston was hella harsh

"yeah youre right....... So do we just teleport there?" Riggy sounded still a bit worried

"nooo we are going to a middle of a forest and, ofc we are teleporting there!" Preston yelled

"fuck you I just wondered, so I guess we go now" Riggy was slightly annoyed at Preston's rudeness

"yeah, see you there" and like that Preston teleported away

".... Just a nightmare nothing to worry about" and so did Riggy

[ :D ]

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