Surprise attack

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"yes Boss? Why did you call me over?" ask Preston as he entered the room where The Boss was

"I called you in for a little surprise plan" The Boss chuckled before continuing "this may be your perfect revenge that you always wanted on the freak of nature,the one that ruined your design, the one that burned down the cloning machine. So I was watching the cameras to see any new short or video from the creators trying to find any ideas to our plan and I saw a little glitch on Dannos short and the little creature, Riggy, was there all alone so you could attack and bring him into a small room I have to get your sweet revenge" After The Boss finished talking Preston smiled, he was happy he could get his revenge so off he went.

[At the graph paper or Dannos place]

"ok so if I attach this to this that would activate and boom! The perfect prank to danno, wow im really a genius wait maybe I could add..."

Preston watched and listened what Riggy was doing and he smiled getting ready to attack, he knew well that his claws would work for a sweet torture so he teleported behind Riggy and.......

Snatch! Preston grabbed Riggy by his neck..

" what the fuck! You..-you were supposed to dead! Why and how are you even here?! Augh!... why cant I teleport?!" Riggy yelled trying to escape Preston's grip but no matter how much times he tried teleporting or moved he couldn't.....his neck was starting to hurt and beginning to have a little problem with breathing......

"you moron! You really thought I was dead?! How stupid can you fully be?!.........lets see how strong you are" Right after Preston said the last line he threw Riggy at the corner of the graph paper as hard as he could and as soon Riggy got up Preston teleported behind him and when Riggy turned around before he could do something Preston kicked Riggy in the stomach making him fall, Riggy was about to attack back but Preston was quick and grabbaed once again Riggy by the neck but this time a bit harder then he scratched Riggy's neck before throwing him up and before Riggy touched the ground/graph paper Preston scratched Riggy's stomach as hard as he could leaving a deep and very painful mark, as Riggy with one hand covered the scratch he quickly punched Preston's nose and it actually bled....

"oh I see trying to play tough? Not for long!" Preston scratched Riggy's eye leaving a mark but not as painful or deep as the stomach one........Riggy wanted to keep on fighting but his neck,stomach and eye were in pain but he knew he could las a little longer so he stood up and ran at Preston

"Round 2 dumbass?! Yeah sure I wonder who fucking wins?!" Preston looked ready to attack as saying this and even if Riggy teleported to attack Preston but he knew where teleported so he still managed to hold Riggy by the neck once again but this time tighter and this time also lift him up

"Round 2 dumbass?! Yeah sure I wonder who fucking wins?!" Preston looked ready to attack as saying this and even if Riggy teleported to attack Preston but he knew where teleported so he still managed to hold Riggy by the neck once again but this t...

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.......Riggy was strugguling to breath everything was becoming blurry then he felt a large pain in his leg.......Preston had stabbed his leg then Riggy passed out........

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