The painful interrogation

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After an awkward amount of silence Preston left the room leaving Riggy still a little sad but trying to know why he accidentally said everything, after 20 minutes he realized that he wasn't tied and that there was nobody there to watch him so he got up and as he was about to exit the room he felt an extreme level of pain that to not make any noise by screaming he cried a little but then The Boss entered the room and both him and Riggy kinda just stared so Riggy sat again at the chair not wanting to know what could happen if he tried doing ANYTHING else

"yeah yeah you better do that, look im not here to hurt you, yet.., only if follow and answer me then I wont do anything, now ill do some questions and all you have to do is answer them nothing else ,ok?" The Boss said with a mischievous tone it sounded like he was about to do something....

"first question, tell me things that youre friends, the fellow content creators like" The Boss was happy to get information from someone who knew the others more than him for his plan

"first thing theyre not my friends, second Im not telling you, you filthy monster, also just so you know even if I did told you I couldn't give you a lot of information" Riggy wasn't worried about himself but more about what ever The Boss was planning

"I tried doing this nicely but I guess you don't want to but I came prepared for this" The Boss chuckled a bit before getting closer to Riggy who was angry and hitted The Boss but Riggy was tied up again and couldn't do anything else then The Boss put on Riggy a collar.....a shock collar but Riggy unfortunately didn't know this

a shock collar but Riggy unfortunately didn't know this

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"hey look I have no idea what this fancy collar is but you cant bargain me into giving you information!" Riggy thought he was smart denying giving anything to The Boss

"oh well you see unfortunately for you that isn't just a normal or fancy collar but why don't we or YOU find out what it can really do" The Boss laughed as he pressed a button, at first Riggy was confused but then..... Riggy felt a sharp pain, it was a powerful shock..

"STOP, PLEASE!" Riggy yelled desperately while in so much pain

"ok but I need you to collaborate unless you wanna you know feel that pain again.." The Boss continued talking "these are the questions, What do they like doing in their shorts? And finally, Who is the most gullible person?"

"......i-I don't know them a lot but I do Know Danno and well he likes doing random questions not many people would think and answer them and he is the most forgiving and gullible if it's a person he trusts that's all I know" Riggy didn't want to get shock again so he tried answering quickly

"interesting, just to know...what would be the greatest form to control them without anyone realizing?.." The Boss said also making some notes from what Riggy had said

"man you crazy?! I mean I know you are butstill! Im not dumb enough to tell you!" Riggy yelled 

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