Though fight, another noble sacrifice

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Preston and Riggy walked around the dark a bit cold facility with a small flashlight.

"this is scary af, why isn't there any light at night?" Riggy was close Preston who had the flashlight.

"shut up, this is it, this is the door" both Preston and Riggy stopped at a big metal door, Preston opened it and The Boss was in a chair sleeping

"throw him a paint bomb to scare him awake and blind him for some seconds, you be the distraction I attack cause I'm stronger and you are better making distractions" Preston whispered at Riggy

Riggy nodded, pulled out a paint bomb out of a non-existent pocket and threw it at The Boss, The Boss immediately woke up alarmed not being able to see anything.

"WHAT THE FUCK" yelled The Boss furiously.

"get that motherfucker!, go Preston!" yelled Riggy encouragingly.

Presont scratched The Boss multiple times without being catched thanks to his teleporting power, meanwhile Riggy was distracting The Boss, making him trip or making noise to make him turn somewhere else but when Riggy had the plan of helping Preston with attacking to weaken him dater he threw a knife but The Boss managed to grab it and stab Preston, Riggy panicked and rushed to see how Preston was doing

"don't worry for me dumbass I can continue fighting, just focus on distracting" Presont got up and continued scratching but his teleporting was a bit stranger now, probably cause of the stab

The Boss was able to put on a fight be grabbing and throwing them against glass,the floor and the walls, he even grabbed a bat and started swinging it. Both Riggy and Preston were pretty beaten up but could continued fighting but at one of the swings with the bat and Preston teleporting away the bat ended up hitting a button that was self distruction button,alarms went off and they could here some explsion from a far

"shit! Follow me! I know where a room with another teleporting machine! Right now we are so beaten up our teleporting powers are to weak to teleport anywhere else that isn't inside the facility!" Preston began running and Riggy followed but locked the big door as he left the room leaving The Boss trapped in a room with no escape guaranteeing his death, Riggy and Preston were running and doging the falling debris and fire, until Preston stopped and rushed inside a room where the machine was but when he got closer Riggy felt like Preston was in panic

"shit shit!" Preston screamed looking at the machine

"please don't tell me it doesn't work.." Riggy was scared

"no it isn't that, it works but... since the fire has affected somewhere the machine only one of us can enter before the machine breaks...." Preston sounded worried but then continued talking

"it was nice knowing and be friending you even if it was slightly, I don't really have another life to live for but you do, I don't have people who care for me but you do.." before Riggy could speak or argue Preston pushed Riggy inside the machine and teleported him to the graph paper....

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