He is gone...ǵ̵̼̻̽̔̄͘o̸̳͋̇̋ǹ̴̖̳̣̦͖̟̫͆͒̑̇̕͝ě̸̢̀̄͌̉̈́̎̚

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[At Danno's place/office/bedroom and the graph paper]

"alright Riggy I have an idea for todays short and after this we can grab a... Riggy..?" Danno didn't see Riggy anywhere but stared a bit stranged at the graph paper which had some red spots, Danno called Rosey

"heya umm Rosey im wondering if you know aanything new about Riggy because I don't see him anywhere today and I don't have any texts from or about him just wondering cause I was about to do todays new short and well I don't know what to do also could you maybe come to fill in and talk?please?" Danno sat in his chair

"First no actually I was about to ask to cause I tried calling him but nothing.... And yeah, sure I could come over I don't have any plans" Rosey sounded worried.

After 20 minutes Rosey arrived

"hey Danno, what are this spots?" Rosey asked while pointing at one of the red spots.

"I was wondering that too Rosey... hey could you uhh check if its blood..? cause it doesn't look like paint for me...." Danno was more worried about what could have happened.

".... I also don't think that's paint I know the difference cause paint would me more bright and red while blood ya know is much darker and more of a brownish redish so im now more worried..."Rosey sounded both scared and worried for what happened before

"yeah me too but lets hope this is just a prank from Ri-" Danno was interrupted by Rosey

" the fuck you mean prank from Riggy?! If this was a prank he would at least called or picked up my calls! He never ignores them! And just a prank?! Yeah sure ignoring his gf and best friend without any announcements and blood where he probably was last seen?! What if something serious happened huh?! And you are not caring?!" Rosey was mad at Danno for not realizing or connecting the dots or hints

"...sorry I guess you are right.. even if it isn't a prank what are we supposed to do? We don't know anything that could have happened so yeah all we can do right now is wait until we get more hints of what could have happened we could maybe not do a short cause with our moods I cant get anything done so yeah you can leave" Danno felt a bit worried for Riggy but not a lot of course he was very unaware of

The danger out there

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