The new plan

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Meanwhile in a strange room, The Boss and Clone Riggy were having a discussion to get new ideas for a new better, ideal, more powerful plan...

"so, you are the only clone standing huh?......... well that does bring us some few problems but youre hard work will have a reward after all you have been the most loyal, obedient, strong and smart clone of all the clones" The Boss said while looking at all the screens in the giant monitor thingy?

"Really? Thank you, Boss," Clone riggy sounded happy since it was The Boss the only person, he felt happy being with. "so whats the reward Boss?"

"oh you'll'll see" The Boss laughed like the maniac he is while Clone Riggy stared at him feeling exited but a small hint of..... guiltiness? "why am I feeling guilty?.... im supposed to be evil and the perfect clone or nearly perfect....... why am I feeling guilty for my actions and the death of royal melon?.....i must be over reaction or over thinking..yeah that must be it" clone riggy thought feeling now weird and doubting the past but deciding to ignore it

" so Clone Riggy what about a little reward first? Like changing your name?" The Boss stared at Clone Riggy but it seemed like he was just lost in thoughts "Umm you there?" asked The Boss

"hm? Oh sorry just thinking about things....but yeah! That way I wont be connected to the fucking freak of nature! ofc I love the idea!" Clone Riggy exclaimed like if it was a gift he was receiving.

"Great, so any ideas?" The Boss was still watching every monitor on the computer thingy

"of so what if we go over the actual names of some of the little dumbasses of short creators and maybe steal the name or we could use a random generator?" after Clone Riggy said that both him and The Boss exchanged awkward looks until The Boss sighed then looked at Phaleurs channel

"how about Preston?" after that Clone Riggy took some time but nodded.

The rest of the day was plain just talking about what they could do to fix the mistakes from the previous plan like separating nearly or everyone so it could be more easier to attack and take over,improving the sponsorship to take Joe caine etc but....

For some reason Preston after the meeting and it was time to take a small rest he couldn't, he still had the thought of guiltness but he didn't knew why? Why,for who and how was he feeling like that? But he still decided to ignore it just then The Boss called preston

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