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Riggy had teleported at his house/bedroom, he locked the door, turned of the lights, sat on the floor and crying more thinking about what Danno told him remembering his childhood and the incident of Billy...

Suddenly he heard the teleporting noise looked up and saw Clone Riggy who looked worried.

"Hey, why are you crying" C.R sat near Riggy

"n-not really, just an argument with Danno, we kinda argued then he said something that just made me remember bad times and it may be the most traumatic mentally things that happened to me" Riggy wiped away his tears feeling a little embarrassed of being caught in that state.

"That little shit, you know you kinda made me see The Boss through he may really be, and I just wanted to say I thought you only talked shit by saying I'll change my mind, but you weren't wrong also don't forget I'm also like this after all the things you said in the uhhh interrogation? So, I just thought about what The Boss has done, and I just want to kill him, but I needed help so don't think I'm going to become your best friend for life, just a friend for some time ok?" C.R didn't know how to comfort someone but surprisingly Riggy laughed.

"You don't know how to comfort someone do you? Its ok you made me laugh so it levels, but I mean even I wasn't expecting for my enemy to be friend me even if its only to take someone but yeah but... if you mention to anybody what I said in the almost interrogation thingy you will be my friend for some time because I killed you, ok?" Riggy stared C.R with menacingly.

"ok ok ok, I won't I swear, I wasn't even planning on doing so, anyway so ummm uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hug? That's the only thing I know of comfort plus I haven't slept a lot a bit of sleeping would be great for me" C.R felt pretty embarrassed of the offer he made.

"Brooo you too?! I haven't slept for three days" Riggy felt a bit prous of it

"That is not healthy! Why are you not sleeping?!" C.R was getting more concerned and confused by Riggy

"don't worry about that... but yeah I guess a hug could comfort me, you are lucky I would normally kill anyone who tried doing that expect Rosey but because right now I need to feel cared and no one else is here and that we both need sleep I guess is fine but just a normal hug and DON'T TELL ANYONE!" Riggy once again looked angrily and then hugged C.R

"..... this feels weird" C.R didn't know what else to do but somehow Riggy had already fallen asleep.

"a fuck, meh I'll leave him in the couch, I'll stay here in his house since I don't want to stay longer anywhere near The Boss" C.R walked out the door while carrying Riggy and placed him on the couch, C.R looked around the house also finding Riggy's weapon stash- but after sleeping in a different couch for a bit he heard a lot of noises from the kitchen near the room where the couch where Riggy was sleeping, he rushed to check what made the noise..

[don't worry Riggy is ok... at least not for long >:)]

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