四: ramen date with kakashi

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Under the fading sunlight, Konoha welcomed the return of Itachi and Akemi. Sandaime received them in his office and gave them a nod of approval, as he acknowledged their success in retrieving Tenzo. Sandaime is well aware that Tenzo has been used as a host for the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju's cells and now possess a potential to develop Wood Release jutsu. Relieved that Tenzo will no longer be under the control of Orochimaru, Sandaime proceeded to enrol him for Anbu training, amidst the lack of Shinobi in Konoha.

"Itachi, Akemi, well done. Tenzo, it's good to have you back," Sandaime praised, his eyes reflecting both relief and gratitude. The trio, bathed in the soft glow of sunlight filtering through the office window, exchanged respectful bows.

As Sandaime delved into details about their mission, acknowledging the challenges they had overcome, Itachi and Akemi stood tall, their expressions a blend of stoicism and acknowledgment. He concluded the debriefing, "Rest well, you've earned it. Tenzo, ensure to report your attendance tomorrow at the Anbu compound. Dismissed."

Leaving the Hokage's office, the trio felt the weight of their successful mission lift. Outside, the sun-kissed streets of Konoha were abuzz with activity. The Autumn Festival! Akemi, her strides purposeful, caught sight of Kakashi, leaning against the wall of the Yamanaka Flower shop. To her surprise, he was holding a bouquet of sunflowers.

"Kakashi senpai," she greeted with a nod. His lone eye met hers, and a faint smile played on his lips. "Akemi-chan, impressive mission. You and Itachi make a formidable team." She inclined her head in acknowledgment. "Teamwork is crucial. We complement each other well."

Kakashi's gaze lingered for a moment longer before he shifted the conversation with a touch of casualness, "Ah, these flowers are for you, I hope you like them. How about going to Ichiraku Ramen for dinner to celebrate your mission? My treat."

Akemi's eyes sparkled when she received the bouquet. 'I can't believe he bought this for me!' I squealed in happiness and looked up to him with a mixture of surprise and amusement. "A ramen date, Kakashi senpai? I suppose that's a unique way to celebrate."

He chuckled beneath his mask. "Unique is my middle name. What do you say?"

She smiled, accepting the unexpected invitation. "Sure, Kakashi senpai. Let's do it."

"Just call me Kakashi, will you?" His hand rested on the top of her head.


As Kakashi strolled alongside Akemi, making his way to Ichiraku Ramen, the village's renowned ramen stand, their conversation drifted from mission details to lighter topics. Kakashi held up his hand, jittering on whether to pull Akemi to him while they share the evening moment together. But he gave up eventually and just silently observe Akemi as she hopped along the street happily.

Meanwhile, Itachi, his path diverging from Akemi's, made his way home. The Uchiha district, shrouded in the shadow of ancient trees, welcomed him with a familiar blend of nostalgia and complexity. The Uchiha compound, a bastion of tradition and expectations, awaited his return.

As Itachi entered the compound, he was greeted by Sasuke and Mikoto. Sasuke adhere himself onto Itachi's leg, chanting about his day in the Academy. Fugaku, his father and a prominent figure in the Uchiha clan, approached with a stern countenance shifting the atmosphere. "Itachi, you've returned. There's an important matter. Come to the main hall."

The main hall, adorned with symbols of the Uchiha legacy, echoed with whispers as elders discussed the clan's future. Fugaku, a man bound by the traditions of his lineage, addressed Itachi, "The clan has decided. You will marry Izumi Uchiha. It's a crucial step for the prosperity of the Uchiha and ensure the pure bloodline of our clan. You are set to marry her the day you turned 18."

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