十九: life and death

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"Leader-sama," Akemi addressed the leader with a bow, her eyes unwavering. She awaited her next mission, the purpose of her existence within the Akatsuki.

Pain glanced at her and then shifted his gaze to Sasori. "I have a mission for you two. There's a group of shinobi who possess highly classified information about a crime organization. We need that information eliminated. Akemi, you'll be paired with Sasori."

The red-haired puppet master turned to face Akemi, his eyes devoid of emotion. "Let's make this efficient. I don't have time for unnecessary complications."

As they embarked on their journey, the tension between them was palpable. "You must be the new addition," Sasori remarked, his tone devoid of warmth.

Akemi's eyes flashed with a mix of annoyance and defiance. "What's it to you?" she retorted, her guard up.

Sasori raised an eyebrow, almost amused by her defensive response. "No need to be hostile. I merely find it amusing that Pain has a habit of collecting interesting specimens. What makes you worthy to be here?"

Akemi glared at him, still angered by her abrupt induction into the Akatsuki. "I'm here because I'm damn good at what I do. Unlike some people, I don't hide behind puppets."

Sasori's expression remained impassive, but there was a subtle glint of interest in his eyes. "Impressive. So, what's your story, kunoichi? Why did you end up here?"

Akemi hesitated, the frustration in her eyes giving way to a hint of vulnerability. "It's complicated. I never asked to be a part of this organization. But here I am, whether I like it or not."

Sasori tilted his head slightly, studying her. "Life has a way of throwing us into unexpected situations. You're not the first to be dragged into this life unwillingly."

A moment of silence hung between them before Akemi sighed, her defenses gradually lowering. "I just want answers. Why me? Why now?"

Sasori's gaze softened imperceptibly. "You only lived once. Appreciate the good and the bad that has happened to you. That is how you identify what is best for you."

"But refrain from doing anything reckless now, not that I would bother but I wouldn't want to see Pain pinning you to the ground using chakra rods and let you bleed dry." Sasori's aloof demeanor seemed to soften, and Akemi found him more approachable than she initially thought.
Their destination was a dense bamboo forest, a strategic location for an ambush. Sensing the proximity of their targets, Akemi signaled Sasori to halt. She held her hand up, gesturing for silence, and then vanished into the shadows.

Akemi drew upon her Water Release abilities, conjuring a thick mist that enveloped the surroundings. The mist snaked through the bamboo, creating an otherworldly atmosphere. Sasori watched in silence as his surroundings transformed into a mysterious realm of swirling white.

From within the mist, Akemi moved like a ghost, her steps muffled by the damp ground. She approached the unsuspecting shinobi, exploiting their disorientation in the dense fog. Swift and silent, she incapacitated them one by one with her Gentle Fist strikes.

Meanwhile, Sasori patiently observed from the edge of the mist. When the time was right, he unleashed his puppets. One puppet wielded poisoned blades, swiftly disabling an opponent. Another manipulated chakra threads to entangle an adversary, rendering them immobile.

Akemi choked one of the shinobi and she looked into his eyes, however, a wave of guilt washed over her. She hesitated for a moment before Sasori stepped in, coldly ending the shinobi's life. "We are not paid to show mercy." Sasori stated.

The once-dangerous group of shinobi now lay defeated, their bodies scattered in the moonlit bamboo grove.
"Leader-sama," Akemi spoke respectfully, bowing before him. "The mission has been accomplished. The shinobi with classified information have been eliminated."

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