十四: his everything

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The cave was dimly lit, the only source of illumination coming from a small flickering fire. The atmosphere was heavy with the scent of damp earth and a faint trace of medicinal herbs. Akemi, exhausted from the intense healing session, had nestled herself beside Itachi. The rhythmic sound of her soft breathing filled the cave as she fell into deep slumber.

 The rhythmic sound of her soft breathing filled the cave as she fell into deep slumber

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"Hey, I will take my guarding shift first. Both of you should take a rest," Yugao informed and went outside of the cave.

Itachi, sitting next to Akemi, cast a concerned glance at her before turning his attention to Kakashi, who sat across from him. The two men exchanged a quiet nod, acknowledging the success of their mission. The rescued Jinchuuriki lay in a corner, peacefully resting after the ordeal.

Kakashi, spoke in a low voice, "Itachi, you did well back there. Akemi's healing abilities are impressive."

Itachi nodded in agreement, a subtle smile playing on his lips. "Yes, her skills are invaluable. The Jinchuuriki is stable now, thanks to her."

As they conversed, Kakashi's gaze occasionally flickered towards Akemi. Itachi, sensing the unspoken words lingering in the air, decided to address the matter directly.

"You've been quiet, Kakashi. Is something on your mind?" Itachi asked, his tone calm but perceptive. Kakashi hesitated for a moment before answering, "It's nothing, just reflecting on the mission."

Itachi observed Kakashi closely, realizing that the subtle tension in the air wasn't just about the mission. "You care for her, don't you?" Itachi inquired, his eyes piercing but not accusatory.

Kakashi's gaze shifted away momentarily, and he sighed. "It's complicated. She's in a relationship with you, and I respect that. But it's hard not to feel something."

Itachi's gaze remained steady, but there was a subtle understanding in his eyes. "I don't ask you to deny your feelings, Kakashi, but I do ask for your restraint. We all have our battles, internal and external. This is yours."

Kakashi, his voice edged with frustration, spoke up, "Itachi, you can't just expect me to turn off my feelings like a switch. I've tried to keep my distance, to be the friend she needs, but it's tearing me apart to see her with someone else."

Itachi's gaze remained unwavering. "Happiness can be elusive, Kakashi. You're not alone in this struggle. We all carry burdens."

Kakashi's gaze softened, the turmoil within him momentarily giving way to a sense of resignation. "I understand duty, Itachi. I've lived by it my entire life. But this... this feels different. It's not just duty; it's a battle against my own heart."

Kakashi, his gaze a mix of distant nostalgia and present turmoil, finally spoke in a softer tone. "Itachi, you're right. Duty is paramount. But you have to understand—Akemi and I go way back. Before the Anbu, before everything."

Itachi listened attentively, sensing a shift in Kakashi's tone. "Akemi was just a kid back then, enthusiastic and full of life. She approached me and asked if I can train with her, that's where it all began. She looked up to us, especially me."

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