五: piggyback ride

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The moon hung low in the night sky as Akemi returned to the esteemed halls of the Hyuga household after her dinner with Kakashi. Her father, Hiashi Hyuga, awaited her in the living corner of the main house. The air was charged with a sense of duty and tradition as Akemi entered.

"Father, I had a mission today, and I accomplished it successfully," Akemi began, a note of confidence in her voice. Hiashi, however, met her gaze with an unwavering sternness. "Success in missions is expected of a Hyuga. But your responsibilities as the next heiress cannot be overlooked. It's time you refocus on your duties to the clan."

A flicker of frustration crossed Akemi's eyes. "I understand my responsibilities, Father, but I am more than just the next heiress. I am a shinobi, and I have my own path to forge." Hiashi's expression remained unyielding. "The path of a Hyuga is one of duty and sacrifice. Your personal desires must not overshadow the legacy you carry."

Their argument intensified, the tension in the air thickening as words clashed like kunai in midair. Akemi, feeling the weight of tradition pressing down, finally declared, "I need to find my own way, Father, even if it means challenging the expectations of the clan."

Frustration etched Hiashi's features as he retorted, "Your way should align with the honor and principles of the Hyuga. It's not a matter of personal whims." His palms set heavily onto the side table, making it creak under pressure.

"What is happening, otou-chan?" A sleepy Hinata appeared on the stairs, rubbing her eyes as she struggled to understand the situation. "Go back to bed, Hinata. You have to attend the academy tomorrow." Hiashi stated and turned around to face Akemi again, "You are destined to be the heiress as you carried the legacy of the Hyuga clan. I have high hopes on you because you are a wonderful kunoichi representing our family. Please don't be ignorant to your duties as the heiress and make me disappointed."

Hiashi left the room and accompanied Hinata to her bedroom.

Unable to bear the suffocating atmosphere, Akemi stormed out of the Hyuga household. Her tears fell uncontrollably down her cheeks, staining her skin. As she sprinted towards the Hokage Monument, seeking solace in the shadows of the night, she collided with an unexpected presence.
Itachi, leaning against the monument, noticed the turmoil in Akemi's eyes. "Why are you here at this hour, Akemi-chan?" Itachi pointed the space beside him, directing Akemi to sit there.

She sighed, her shoulders slumping. "Father insists on traditional values and duties. I feel like I'm suffocating under the weight of expectations."

Itachi, understandingly responded, "Then we are equal. Sometimes, the path we choose is not the one laid out for us. We will have to endure it and strike a balance."

Akemi, grateful for the empathy in Itachi's words, continued, "I want to honor the Hyuga legacy, but I also want to be true to myself. Is that too much to ask?"

Itachi's gaze softened. "No, it's not. The struggle between duty and personal desires is one many of us face. It's about finding the middle ground, navigating the shadows with integrity." The shared understanding with Itachi lifted some of the burdens from her shoulders. The night wind blew as the leaves ruffled. They found peace in each other's presence.

As they spoke, exhaustion overcame Akemi. Unbeknownst to her, she drifted into a peaceful slumber and her head landed on Itachi's shoulder. He, recognizing the weariness in her eyes, decided to ease her journey back home.

Gently waking her, Itachi offered, "Akemi-chan, let me take you back."

"It's okay, I can walk on my own." Akemi stood up a little too quickly and her legs went wobbly. Itachi immediately pulled her up before she crashed onto the ground. "You seemed exhausted. My offer still stands, Akemi-chan."

hope: itachi x ocWhere stories live. Discover now