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Third person Pov

"Can you come get me?" Darrian asks David over the phone as he sat in the bathroom of the restaurant he had taken his 'date' to. Whenever he referred to them as his date he wanted to throw up the shrimp he had eaten moments before calling David. Normally after such a disaster of a date he would call Ethan his best friend.

Darrian felt that guilty feeling in his heart again as he thought about his beat friend and this date he was on. He hated how the whole evening he kept comparing his date to notti and he found every little thing reminding him of notti. He even ordered the shrimp and would smile after every bite thinking about how much his best friend loved shrimp.

Darrian knew he was guilty of catching feelings for his long time best friend. He had began noticing it more and more as he got older at first it was a innocent love that anyone would have for his friend but then he realized he started looking at Ethan a lot more while they were playing the game, at the pool or just hanging out.

He also found himself getting a weird feeling whenever Ethan went out on dates he knew his best friend was a rather attractive individual so girls were of course going to throw themselves at him but him understanding it doesn't mean he doesn't hate it. That guilty feeling was in his heart again and he felt like he could throw up.

Soon his phone was ringing snapping him out of his thoughts. "I'm outside" David says and darrian sighs walking outside ready to sleep off the memory of this horrible date and maybe try and forget about his feeling of guilt towards Ethan. "Yo what's up my heart?" Ethan says from the passenger seat as he rolls the window down.

Darrian felt his heart skip a beat and he ignored Ethan as he made his way to the backseat.

Alright ya'll I decided to take down my boy and replace it with this

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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