chaotic escape room - lee know

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"is this a bad time to tell you I'm claustrophobic?" I ask minho, my boyfriend while we're stuck in this stupid, tiny cell "yes because that pressures me to look for the key faster to get us out" minho says looking around "where could it be?" he says to himself while looking around. "a little help please?" he asks "right sorry" I say while starting to look around. "still now sign of a key?" he asks on the other end of the cell still searching "nope" I say "why is there an umbrella in the corner there?" I ask "I have no idea leave it there though we might need it." minho says "minho! there's the key right there" I say gaining his attention to then point out the key that was obviously outside of the cell on the floor not far out of reach but still not enough for either me or minho to just go between the bars and just grab it.

"ok great but we can't reach it so I don't know what there is in here or around here to..." he says before looking at the previously mentioned umbrella then he snaps and then claps "the umbrella!" he says going and grabbing it "wait let's use this part of it" I say referring to the bottom part of the umbrella when you hold it that looks like a sort of hook or sorts. "good idea you try first" minho says "why me first?" I ask "because?? the ghost from inside here sure isn't gonna help us" he says "ok here goes nothing" I say. after a few failed attempts on my end minho tries it and after another set of failing tries we finally got the key "yes!!" we got it" I say putting my hands up out of celebration and relief "finally" minho adds. after we got out we go through some doors we had to go through and immediately stop at what's in the last door.

"oh now your kidding me" minho says "a mirror maze?!" I say raising my voice. "it's ok let's just start.. here I guess" he says going left with me and minho's hands on the mirrors that's on each ends. "ok now where should we go left or right?" I ask minho "uhh right" he answers "this way okay-" I began to say before I got hit in the head by a now obvious dead end, the immediate moment I hit my head I could hear minho burst out laughing at me, now on the ground "ow" I say quietly "are you ok?" he asks finally helping me get up from the floor but still dying of laughter "it's not funny" I say accidentally letting my laugh I've been holding out "your laughing too shut up" minho says still laughing "let's just.. keep going" I say turning around "but go in front of me" I say pushing minho "why?" he asks "so I can laugh at you when you get bonked in the head by these.. stupid mirrors" I reply.

t took a while for me and minho to finish the maze and now we had to finish a puzzle (sorry if this isn't how escape room goes I've never been to one at all) "stupid puzzle" I say throwing a piece of the puzzle on the floor which minho picks up "hey why the mad face?" he asks "this is frustrating" I say "I hear that" minho replies. after a few failed attempts and us seriously losing our patience with this we had to have a worker come and get us out and then we headed out "that was pretty fun, especially when you hit your head in the maze" minho says laughing "stop! it isn't funny!" I say laughing a bit before becoming serious. when we come close to the car I begin getting hungry "hey babe I'm a bit hungry came we go and eat something?" I ask "yea my love whatever you want" he says.

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me and minho then picked a restaurant and arrived fairly quickly since it wasn't that far from the escape room place which is where we left from. "oh thank gosh I am starving" I say while sitting down at the booth the worker at the front guided us to. "me too" after me and minho order and our food finally comes out we start talking about anything and everything "how are the boys?" I ask "they're really good they asked about you too and invited us to a party of some sorts, might be a birthday party from what chan said" minho says "ooh that sounds like fun we should maybe go if you want to though" I offer "yea of course I want to I spending time with you and the others" he says which makes me blush a little "can I get dessert?" I ask minho "yea of course go crazy I'm gonna be paying anyway so" he says "you don't have to I've tried to always pay everytime we go out but you literally take away my credit card or take it away from the waiter" I say laughing "because you shouldn't pay period" he says "fine you'll pay from now on" I say.

after eating and lots of dessert we decide to call it a night and watch a move or just cuddle when we get home which is normally what we do on a chill night where no one is going out or anything like that. we finally got home and went inside "home sweet home" I say sighing "let's go an cuddle yea?" minho says "yes please" I say yawning. we both change into something more comfortable and jump into bed hugging each other closely. "our date was fun" minho says "yea it was" I reply "thank you by the way" I say "for what love?" he asks "for planning the whole thing I mean aside from the whole hitting my head part.." I say before minho starts laughing "it was really fun and dinner was good too so thank you" I say "of course darling I love sharing moments like that with you." minho says before we both drift off to sleep.


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