rumour has it - skz ot8

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oblivion - grimes0:00 ───|────── 4:11

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oblivion - grimes
0:00 ───|────── 4:11


we were always so close. inseparable if you asked us, days and weeks of us having hang outs, all nighters, stealing drinks from our parents, always seen together sat at lunch during school you name it. wherever there was maddie, there was y/n, wherever  y/n was, there was hyunjin and so on.

all of this ended after the fun, soon turned twisted and dark summer night. the night of our best friend maddie's disappearance and suddenly everyone became strangers. and our soon close knit group was only a factor in our memories when we would walk past each other in the school halls. and a few weeks with no contact turned into almost two years.


"so how do you feel being back?" my mom asked "I don't know, I feel like an outsider even though I was born and raised here." I reply "and I get that, but one more question..." my mom says coming closer to me "are you sure you're okay?" she asks getting ahold of both my hands in hers "you know I saw.. a poster of maddie today I wanted to make sure you were feeling ok" she says "yea, it's just really sad. part of me is waiting for her to just burst through my bedroom door in some exaggerated, mysterious way." I exclaim looking down while also laughing "yea.. how are the other eight?" mom asks and I shake my head before even thinking about what to say "we've lost touch since that night" I say.

"hun it's been almost two years, from what I saw you guys were inseparable, glued together even you always did some crazy stupid things together" mom exclaims "I know it's just... everything that went down including maddie's disappearance and after the fact we just stopped hanging out" I sadly smiled

"well, maybe you should call them I know how much it's killing you guys not speaking" mom says getting up from her seat and giving me a kiss on the head  "thanks mom." I say before her leaving.

first day back at school. the nerves are definitely getting to me so I woke up earlier then I do and decided to pick up some coffee at a nearby spot. once I had my order brung out I was heading out before I saw her picture. the front page of the local newspaper.

STILL MISSING: Madison (Maddie) Lee
* if you have any information about Madison or her whereabouts please contact nearest police department *

"it's still really sad isn't it?" I hear a voice from behind me say, it startled me but as soon as I turn around I become filled with happy emotions and memories. "oh my god felix? what are you doing here" I say letting out a laugh before hugging him "just a little something before school I missed you." he says "me too these past two years have been..." I begin to say but felix gets me immediately "yea, it has. have you talked to any of the others?" felix asks "I don't really know exactly, we all kind of lost touch after maddie." I say while looking back at the newspaper "well sure.. do you want to walk the rest of the walk to school?" felix asks while opening the door to the cafe to leave "yea sure let's go" I reply.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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