home videos - kim seungmin

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truly - cigarettes after sex0:00 ───|────── 4:04

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truly - cigarettes after sex
0:00 ───|────── 4:04


"y/nn smile I'm recording!!" seungmin said to me as he has his camera faced to me while zooming into me "seungmin I look like a crazy mess!!" I say considering my hair was up and I was wearing an oversized shirt.

"a beautiful crazy mess" he jokes "at least warn me about these little blog videos so I actually look presentable" I say while giggling a little by the end of my sentence. "dully noted" seungmin laughs while hitting the "stop" button on his camera while putting it down on the table.

"what's the point of you making these videos anyway?" I ask walking towards him "why? you don't like it?" he asks "no I love them they're really sweet actually, having memories like this in forms of videos as well as photos." I say smiling "I'm glad you do" seungmins says smiling at me before kissing my lips.

the next morning me and seungmin woke up around the same time, finding ourselves cuddling up together. "good morning!!" I say to seungmin "mm" was all he could muster up "tired huh?" I chuckle.

"get dressed today.." seungmin muttered groggily. I sat confused as I though he made plans with me for today "why?" I ask him "because.. they'll probably be recording today, lots of it too." he says referring to his blog like videos of me and him together. I then smile before replying to him "you and your camera I swear" shaking my head before I get out of bed to go get ready.

while I'm getting ready I can't help but wonder why seungmin started recording these videos, I mean it isn't like I'm complaining but it seemed so out of the blue, even his members caught onto his routinely videoing, he was always asked "why are you always recording when I see you?" or complaints like "put the camera down for once I'm trying to tell you something" and he would always just laugh about it and reply with a simple "you'll see" or "no reason. just love getting stuff on camera"

my thinking was interrupted by seungmin. but not only him, his camera as well "ooo my love's getting ready!!" he says before putting the camera up close "stop!" I say laughing while putting my hand up to cover my face "oh come on you look beautiful" he says while moving my arm away gently.

"what are you thinking about?" seungmin asks "you" I say joking around with him "your very sweet" he says.

it grew silent for a while before I caught seungmin staring at me "what?" I say turning towards him and his camera in my chair. "nothing you're just so gorgeous" he replies I then grew shy and started laughing while turning back to hide my face "you're too cute when you're shy" seungmin says while zooming into me through my vanity mirror before stopping the recording a few seconds later. "anyways hurry up cause I wanna go get some breakfast, I saw this place we could go to" seungmin says "sounds fun I'll be ready in a bit" I sat "don't be too long there's hungry people waiting" he says before kissing my head and walking out our room.

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