girl from mars - han jisung

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                                    "and she                     never told me her name"                      ▹ girl from mars - ash

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                                    "and she
                     never told me her name"
            girl from mars - ash

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

jisung's pov

here I am, on my way to this stupid, stupid summer camp I swear this is where hell is and I'm not even there yet. nothing but the heat, stupid tasks and chores and "bedtime" at 8:00 and sharing a cabin that has no air conditioner whatsoever with like three other people on a bunk bed might I add. now why am I even in this situation to begin with? well, my parents. they don't said it but they secretly hate me, I mean they immediately praise my older brother in whatever he does I mean hell if he breathes? it's automatically "good job honey I'm so proud" I'm starting to get really fucking sick of it and of them. but anyways they sent me here because of my "reckless" behavior but it was only skipping classes and it wasn't even that frequent I only did it for fun to be honest. but one wrong move and I'm gone, they don't even look at my brothers bad decisions he overall is not the person you could want to be calling your "friend from school"

I arrived to the camp in a school bus. the camp is in the middle of practically nowhere so they completely shut you down from the outside world that's fun. once the bus came to a stop I get out the side of the bus and when the bus drives off the camp entrance stares right back at me. I honestly contemplated just running until I can actual see other people that weren't in that camp but to avoid even more trouble I just walk in. when I do I begin to look around at the other kids there kids doing tasks, weird useless games, some kids talking to the adults then I notice a girl my age coming towards me "you're han jisung right?" she says "uh yea" I answer "alright um ms. sony told me to show you our room we'll be staying in" the girl says "our?" I question "oh yea I'm kinda one of your roomates" she says. "huh.. okay lead the way" I say as she walks to the cabin to which I follow. "what a place I would love to be" I say joking to myself but somehow the unknown girl still heard me.

"I know I hate it too, what are you here for?" she asks me "my parents are tired of my reckless behavior" I say doing air quotes. "ahh" she says "what about you?" i ask "kind of the same thing" she says to which I nod at. "I just suck up to the teachers to get i don't know treated more nicely, it gets me places sometimes but I'm kind of getting tired" she says "yea" I say. "do you need help unpacking?" she asks "uh yea I have quite a bit so a little help is needed thanks" I thank her "yea no problem" she says. "so this is your bed and I'll be on the bottom bed" she says "unless you want to switch It's totally fine" she offers "oh no it's fine thanks though" I say "yea but anyways let's get you unpacked" she says willingly helping me.

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"come on!!" I whisper to the random girl "I'm right behind you don't worry" she whispers back "where can we go?" I ask her "well there's a river behind those trees let's relax over there" she says "lead the way" I say as I let her go in front of me since she knows her way around more than I do. what are doing exactly? sneaking out, it's late and as expected, every kid has to be in bed by a certain time. "what time is it?" she asks me and I then check my apple watch "2:35" I whisper making sure no one hears us. I was expecting a kind of guard person scanning the camp at all hours of the night but nope. "how'd you even get an apple watch in here?" she asks me while we're approaching the river "just sneaked it in here" I say shrugging my shoulders "you're crazy" she says "I'm amazing" I joke to which she quietly laughs at. once we get to the river we sit down right in front of it and just talk about anything, our family, our friends, where we live and other things to get to know each other, running around aimlessly like trying to not make any noise in case we get in trouble.

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

time skip

after almost the whole summer of being at this camp it's finally over "are you ready to go?" the girl asks enthusiastically most likely as a joke. "hmm I kind of liked it.." I say and I hated admitting it "wow really? why?" she asks laughing "just cause of a certain person" I say smiling at her to which she returns the smile. "before we go, this whole experience I haven't gotten your name what is it?" I ask "y/n/n..... that's my nick name though!" she says laughing "come on tell me your real name" I say practically pleading with her. "you come on you got a nickname that's the closest to the name" she says putting her belongings in her suit case. "how come you know mine but I don't know yours?" I ask helping her pack but also packing myself. suddenly she starts laughing "I just love toying with you" she says, laughing some more "I don't think we can be friends anymore" I say joking with her. "the buses are here.." she says looking out the wide open door "oh yea they are.." I say looking out right after. we both finish packing our last stuff and look at each other "so.." she says "so.." I say back "I guess this is it right?" I say "I guess so" she says "they're starting to load up my bus so I better go so I don't miss it."

"yea.. alright" I say "hopefully... we'll meet again." she blurts out. "yea hopefully" I say agreeing with her. "bye jisung" she says walking away "bye girl who's name I don't know" I yell "I told you a nickname" she says turning around. I watch her walk away before she gets into the bus and I can no longer see her anymore. "why didn't she tell me her name?" I mumble to myself before going back in the cabin to get my stuff all ready for when my bus arrives to finally go home. atleast they let us out two months before school starts up again so we can have at least a whole month off. once I see my bus get here I get my stuff ready and get loaded up in the bus. once I'm finally home I sigh once getting off the bus I go up and knock on the door to which my mom answers with her usual cold look. "hey jisung" she says "hey mom" I say " my dad then comes to the door "hey ji how was um summer camp?" he asks actually showing interest "I liked it, it was actually really good" I say knowing I followed basically zero rules while my time there. "than does that means you learn your lesson?" my mom asks "yea I learned my lesson. I'll do better" I say looking down "ok well come in your brother isn't here right now he's at a friend's house right now" my mom informs me when closing the door behind me.

"alright I'll see him later than" I say "well you're probably tired so we'll just let you go on up to your room we'll tell you when food is done okay?" my dad says to which I just nod my head at then I make my way upstairs to my room. once I get inside my room I immediately get this stupid heavy book bag off my back and put my suit case near my closet. I then plop down on my bed and sigh out of tiredness. all of sudden my mind can help but wander to y/n/n. which isn't even her name, to say the least she was an experience. I had someone to break the rules with, to joke around with, to sneak out with, and to just run away with speaking our thoughts with no care in the world and certainly not a care of one another judging us. I think I may have liked her more than a just a friend. I just have to find her again somehow which could take years but nonetheless I'm gonna try. "who and where could she be?" I whisper.


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