music connections - han jisung

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let the light in - lana del rey0:00 ───|────── 4:38

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let the light in - lana del rey
0:00 ───|────── 4:38


also I have been writing sm jisung ff's idek what it is anyways I hope you like this!!


you've always been in love with music, ever since you were a kid your house was always filled with artists you still dedicate yourself to today.

music has always been this calming factor with you, whenever you needed sleep you turned on some amazing playlist you made and just enjoyed the songs till you finally fell asleep.

when your feeling lonely or it was just a crappy, crappy day you put on some sad music,not to upset you even more but to help you with whatever nerves you may have had that day.

ever since graduating college from obviously, studying music you felt even more connected with music. it was truly a fun experience for you and your always glad your college years turned out how you always wanted. after graduation, and after moving back home, you found yourself in the best position ever, you had a very stable job you love, the record store, it's really no surprise to anyone who knows you when you applied for the job.

which brings us to basically today. it was really nice today, the sun was out, the sky had no clouds and it was fairly chilly today so you decided to go to the park you always used to go to as a kid. you went to many festivals held here during summer especially with all the fairs and carnivals out. it was always so beautiful but not as beautiful as today is. once you found a bench in the distance you go over to sit yourself down, feeling a bit tired of walking but weirdly still wanted to get back up and just look around the whole park. once you sat down you took out your airpods from your tote bag and put them in before picking one of your playlists to play. the first song to play was let the light in by lana del rey "oh I love this song" you say under your breath before impulsively swaying slowly to the music.

halfway through, you faintly hear a muffled sigh and feel someone sit down but you only ignored it and continued playing your music.

"I love lana" the random person said you hear his muffled voice and turn towards him "sorry what?"  you say politely "I love lana, you have.. really great taste in music" he compliments "you know lana?" you ask a bit more loudly with a smile on my face "yea I do!" he says chuckling at my expression. "especially let the light in" he says, not knowing I've been playing the exact same song "I'm actually playing that song right now!" you  say "really?" he says sitting up in his position "yea... do you wanna listen?" you ask him "sure" he nods while also throwing me a cute smile afterwards. you take one airpod out and give it to him "wait I haven't gotten your name, what is it?" he asks before you hit the rewind button "oh I'm sorry, I'm y/n" you say facing more towards his side "I'm jisung" he says.

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