last weekend of summer - skz

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                        tumblr girls - g-eazy                    0:00 ───|────── 4:16

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     tumblr girls - g-eazy
0:00 ───|────── 4:16

                         .     . .     .

it's summer which means nothing but heat, smell of beaches near by, tank tops, ice cream and cold drinks, summer is one of my favorite seasons because one: no school and two: hanging out with my friends. summer is a season where all we do is hangout together, whether it's at chan's house pulling pranks on each other or at lee know's place for him to cook us "free food" sometimes he rolls his eyes when he sees us walk in but he secretly loves us. "hey guys!" seungmin says walking in my house since we all agreed to hang out here "hey hey" I say as the others start greeting him "isn't it sad it's the last weekend of summer?" he asks getting a cold water from the fridge "yes oh my gosh!!! I love summer I'm dreading it ending" I say going up to the counter and sitting on one of the stools I had. "you know since it's the last weekend of summer and stuff I figured we'd spend the whole day at the beach or shopping then we can get some ice cream" hyunjin suggests I then turn to look st him and smile "of course are you guys in?" I ask everyone else "of course" they say "ok well let's get our bathing suits on and everything else we need and we can move back here" I say the others all agree and I go upstairs to my room to get ready I get my bathing suit, and a tote bag with a towel inside, my sunscreen, sunglasses, lip gloss (don't ask) and my phone along with some headphones.

I then hear my front door open "who's that?" I ask yelling from upstairs "it's jisung" he yells out "oh hi" I say "hey" jisung says back. "where are the others? are they still getting ready?" I ask going down the stairs "no they're actually in the car waiting so come on" he says "let's go!!" I say throwing my hand up in the air before leaving the house. "hey again" I say entering the car and finding my spot "you guys ready?" lee know asks from the front since he's gonna be driving "all ready" everyone says "alright let's go shopping first and then go get ice cream" lee know says and began driving us to a street where a lot of stores are in the area. we all get out the car "jeez it's hot" seungmin says "tell me about it" felix agrees "let's go in here guys" hyunjin says pointing out a store that seems like they have good stuff so we all agree and go in together "hi welcome!" a worker nearby greets us "hello!" we all say to her and begin going our own way around the store to see if they have anything we might like. "y/n aren't these cute?" hyunjin says from behind me "hm?" I hum and turn around to find hyunjin in front of the mirror in the store holding up some black washed jeans that were a bit baggy "I think that really suits you" I say "you think? I think I'm gonna get these" hyunjin says "you should" I say smiling before turning back around to check out a shirt I was looking at but I then leave and go to another area since I haven't gotten a chance to look around that much "oh wait these pants are cute don't you think jisung?" I ask him since he was in the same place I was in "those are cute yea" he says looking the pair of pants up and down "I think I'm gonna get these" I say before jisung leaves to check out the sunglasses "hey y/n look!" jisung says grabbing my attention and once I turn around to see him wearing some funny, stupid glasses as he holds up peace signs with each hand I burst out laughing "you look so..." I say between laughs "swag?" jisung asks "I was gonna say stupid but sure" I say "rude" he says before taking the glasses off and putting them back on the rack.

after shopping me and the members when to get ice cream at a near by ice cream shop "how can you seriously like mint chocolate?" seungmin asks looking at me in disgust "because? it's good?" I reply "nuh uh" seungmin says "is it your life mission to just annoy and clown on me any chance you get?" I ask "of course I was specifically born for that exact purpose" he says "guys" chan says breaking me and seungmin's conversation and we look over at him "we're going to the beach now let's go to the car" chan says "coming" me and seungmin says as we go up to the car and get inside "ugh finally some air!" I say going under the ac blowing in the car "get in fully loser" seungmin says slightly pushing me "hush" I just say "ok guys stop bickering and just get in so we can actually go to the beach" jeongin says "ok ok we're in" I say finally sitting in my spot "ok let's go" lee know says. the beach was about a 15 minute drive so by the time we had arrived we had already finished our ice cream so we were feeling just a little bit full. we then park in front of the beach's entrance then lee know looks to the back "do you guys have everything?" he asks "yep I do" I say and the other members answer him saying yes and some double checking their bag to make sure nothing fell out or was forgotten "all good. I also got cold waters for everyone too" chan says "let's get out already" I say eagerly having my hand on the door handle "patience grasshopper... ok let's go" lee know says as we all get out. "and we're just in time for the sunset, I just love summer" I say giggling.

we all find a good spot on the beach and lay a big towel on the ground so we can sit on it and put our bags somewhere I then sigh and smile "I love this" I say slightly whispering the rest of the group was quiet for a few seconds before seungmin breaks the silence "anyone up for a swim?" he asks looking around and the others look around "let's go!" we all say before all of us run towards the water some members diving in when it wasn't so shallow anywhere I then see lee know splash me in the face "lee know!" I yell "oops" he says shrugging his shoulders sarcastically "oh you ass!" I say before splashing him even more than he did with me "stop stop!!!" he says having his face the complete opposite way to avoid the water going in his nose "water fighttt!!" felix says before splashing literally everyone with water and "ahh!" I scream as I feel hands wrap around me and throw me under water I then come up and start laughing "that was actually awesome" I say breathlessly. all of us then see jisung a bit more out in the water than us and we notice a big wave coming our way "jisung there's a big wave come over here!" chan yells "no thanks" he yells back as the wave got closer and closer jisung tried swimming away before we got slammed and caught in the wave with him screaming maniacally before going under water and we all start laughing but we also go out and check jisung is ok and not at all injured "we told you there was a big wave coming!" I say still laughing "did not... expect that" he says and we all start laughing again "ok let's go back on shore to watch the sunset" I suggest and everyone eventually gets out and dry themselves before sitting down and face the orange, red and slightly pink sunset.

"don't you guys love summer?" I ask before turning to the boys for their answers "yes but this heat kills me" changbin says taking a sip of his still cool water "that I agree with" I say going back to admiring the sunset in front of me "I need to take pictures" hyunjin says before going in his bag and pulling his phone out and snapping some pictures of the sunset and ocean, I then laugh at him adoringly as taking pictures of scenery is one of hyunjin's habits he has. he sometimes paints the pictures he takes and they always turn out amazing "are you gonna paint this next?" I ask hyunjin and he looks at me for a moment and speaks up "maybe" he says to which I laugh at. "so.. overall review of this summer?" jisung asks all of us "honestly, best last weekend and best summer ever in my life" I say.


I find it funny I wrote this because I hate summer

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