late nights, bright mornings, and song writing - bang chan

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it's really late, 3 am to be exact and chan is still working. he really needs sleep considering in the middle of our days he falls asleep, even standing up. I can tell he needs rest and right now especially. I was sleeping peacefully till I was awakened by chan and his humming of a song that he was working on. I then shift in bed and finally get up and go over to chan still half asleep "chan... come to bed" I say groggily. "in a minute love ok? I'm almost done" she says softly "you said the same thing right before I fell asleep and it's 3 am right now" I say "just go on in bed and wait for me ok?" he says before taking and caressing it with his hand and then let me go to go back to sleep. "ok but please sleep tonight or I'll make you shut that off" I say before walking back to the warm bed I left. I try my hardest to fall back to sleep as I was sleepy not even a minute ago but now I can't since I'm practically fully awake by
now and now I'm just tossing and turning, looking like a fish.

this has been frequent thing in my routine, chan staying up almost all hours of the night working on some songs, either solo or duet songs him and a member sang. sometimes I can hardly fall back asleep after I wake up when I do because I need chan to go to bed with me, he waits for me to sleep and he quietly goes to finish up his work, but he's been finishing up his work all week long and with the weekend approaching seeing as it's now Friday I want him to relax and not work for a few days, have some good sleep, eat a good meal and just spend some quality time with me. but chan being chan he almost never listens and works himself almost to the point where he can't and it makes me worry. the members came over a few days ago and also said something, I remember lee know saying how it was beginning to become a bit too much and I wholeheartedly agree with that. he can't not be getting exhausted it's impossible with the amount of work he does for his group? he has to be.

I then sigh thinking about how exhausted chan must feel but as always he tries his hardest to hide it from me and the members but I catch onto things fast and I can clearly see how he's beginning to become worn out. "please chan come to bed" I whine "hold on ok? I'll finish this last part and I'll come to bed" he says "no now please? your computer will not run away if you actually decide to sleep for once" I say sitting up from the bed "ok ok fine let me-" he begins to say but I already just know that full sentence so I cut him off "no!!! now" I say slightly raising my voice. "ok ok your very bossy" he jokes walking over to the bed finally. "tough love baby" I say back to him as chan gets in the bed under the sheets he sighs "I missed this" he says "what? sleep I would hope so" I joke as I laugh "no cuddles" he says before holding me closer by my waist "me too" I say as I find a comfortable position to be able to fall asleep. "hey do you want to do something tomorrow or.. today?" I ask "of course love like what?" he asks "I have a good idea" I say as I close my eyes and fall right back asleep.

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"goodmorningg" I say walking into me and chan's room in an attempt to wake him up when I start to shake him awake he groans while also stretching with his hands up "come on wake up I have something planned for us" I say taking away the blank that was covering him, keeping him warm. "ok I'm up just gonna lay here a few more seconds..." he says and lays on the bed for maybe 5 more seconds until he eventually sits up "ok I'm gonna shower and get dressed" he says in his deep, groggy type voice. "I'll be waiting" I say exiting the room and getting a little snack from the kitchen. after being on my phone for a little while chan was done getting dressed and everything "hey you ready?" I ask "yea I'm ready" he says "ok let's go" I say grabbing the keys and we're out the door. "can you tell me where we're going?" chan asks "no can do" I reply "but why?" he asks "listen we'll get there when we get there baby, patience is key" I say laughing through my words "ok fine" he says "also put this blindfold on its supposed to be a surprise so" I say as I had him the blindfold with my eyes still on the road. "ok sure" he says and putting it on.

"seriously princess what do you have me going through rocks? sticks? sand and dirt? "come on it's this way I'll guide you here" I say taking his hand and intertwined it with my hand "ok and we're... here" I say "can I take this off now?" he asks "yea take it off" I say.

chan's pov

I finally take off the blindfold y/n put on me and see a field of beautiful, delicate flowers. a field of them actually "oh my god y/n/n this is amazing" I say with my jaw dropped "yea right? I was driving past here one day and I found the field and I stopped and thought it was really beautiful and I thought it would be perfect for us to go since your working so much and most likely feel exhausted and I could see your stressed so I just thought we could come here today" she says and I'm about to bust out in tears over how caring and observant she is especially for my well being I swear I love this girl so much. "thank you so much and you know you're right I have been stressed and really burnt out I- I needed this, really bad so thank you" I sincerely say. "of course" she says looking out into the colorful view of flowers "tag your it!" she says tapping my shoulder "I'm gonna get you so bad!" I say running after her.


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