photographers in the city - hwang hyunjin

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bonfire - wave to earth0:00 ───|────── 4:41

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bonfire - wave to earth
0:00 ───|────── 4:41


I'm currently on a little trip with my friends in south Korea to visit the sights, museums, parks and to obviously shoot.

I've always wanted to be a photographer and now that I can finally pursue what I've been working towards for as long as I can remember I feel fulfilled and happy and being here in Korea has been a dream of mine, they have such amazing places to visit and such cute things in stores, and of course amazing, inspiring spots and neighborhoods.

when the night came I went out to shoot some pictures since I brought extra film with me on the trip. the night started off really good and I got shots of almost everything in my area, the stores, oceans, people living their daily lives, which always looked better through a camera lens.

my parents never really supported what I wanted to do, they only really cared about money then me and it was always hurtful to see them treat my siblings better than me. they always were pushing me to do what they wanted me, they never cared about what I wanted to do.

I went back since it was getting late, and how I was very satisfied with my photos and was also a bit tired.

"hey guys why are you all up?" I ask my friends when I walk in "hey sorry we just couldn't sleep" hearin said "ah cause of the noise?" I ask "kind of I didn't remember it being this noisy, today was fun though right yunjin?" she turns around to yunjin "of course, I've missed korea, the food, the people all of it" yunjin says smiling "yea thank you guys so much for taking me on this trip" I say taking off my shoes while putting them on the shoe rack next to the door. "of course it's always so fun when I'm with you guys" yunjin says. I then go to sit with them on the floor while carefully placing my camera on the couch "got some new shots?" yunjin asked "you have no idea, I wasted my film but luckily I got extras so it was a successful photoshoot" I say faintly laughing.

"well it is getting late, we should go to bed and we'll try to wake up early and go anywhere in the city" yunjin says "you think we can get up early?" haerin asks while giggling "well that's why I said we can try" yunjin says "we're unreliable people you know" she adds "just go to bed girls" I say laughing.


the next day me, yunjin, and hearin surprisingly did wake up at a reasonable early time which left us plenty of time to go explore for the whole day.

"ok so first thing we need to do is get breakfast and I know this amazing restaurant I used to go to 24/7 when I would come back from new york" yunjin says "oh my god yes! I need food in my system right now" haerin says "well then let's go" I say while not forgetting my camera "you really take that everywhere do you?" haerin says plafully "of course you should know by now" I reply. "all too well" haerin exclaimed.

"ok now that we had breakfast let's go and just walk around it's really nice out also I want to get some shots" I say "of us? aww!" yunjin says sarcastically "of you guys and just.. things I find inspiring" I chuckle. after a few minutes of us walking around I find a spot I would like to take some pictures of "hey guys I'm going over here!" I say, calling out to yunjin and haerin "ok, don't go far!" "yea!" they yell.

I then walk up to the spot and take my first photo of the day. it was so peaceful and overall so beautiful so I took some more photos.

"looks really pretty yea?" I hear someone say from my side I then turn around to see a tall boy with black, slightly grown out hair, he was also unbelievably alluring "yea, it is always just so great cause I can feel my motivation flowing in me, I'm a photographer so things like these are important for me" I say smiling "I am too" he says "really? wow" I exclaim happily "yea I always loved finding spots like these" he says looking out at the sight while his hands behind his back "photo shoot worthy and just, good for one's mind when they have lots of thoughts or hardships as well." he says "I totally agree" I say turning my head to take another look at him.

we then make eye contact and break it by laughing together "so um,  what's your name?" I ask "hyunjin what about you?" he says, returning my question "y/n." I reply "nice to meet you." he says shaking my hand randomly "you too" I say. we maintain eye contact and still holding hands "sorry" I breathe out, taking my hand away "it's okay" he says assuringly.

after a few moments I completely forget I have two of my best friends probably waiting for me and growing impatient. "um hey y/n we-" yunjin and haerin interrupt but stop speaking the minute they see hyunjin "sorry hello" they both say to hyunjin and he returns the greeting "sorry for the disruption but y/n we found this cute, cute store and we'd thought you want to tag along?" haerin asks "of course! wait for me I'll be there" I say they both nod and went to wait for me

"so um I kind of have friends waiting so.." I say pointing out my friends "could I get your number?" hyunjin suddenly asked "uh sure yea of course!" I say, I was a little taken aback by the sudden question  but I'm not one to complain.

"now go. have fun, I'll text you later okay?" he says and I nod "of course bye!" I say. once I walked away I notice yunjin and haerin waving at me for me to be able to spot them easily. once I caught up to them the interrogation immediately started "oh my god! y/n?! who was that? he was cute.." yunjin says squealing "he was.. his name was hyunjin, he said he was also a photographer and we just started talking." I say "ok when is the wedding?" haerin playfully asks "oh stop" I giggle "no seriously me and yunjin will plan everything right yunjin?" haerin says "of course! you'll be like 'oh hyunjin I looove you!'" yunjin says in a high pitched voice "ok I will leave you guys here" I say before we all burst out laughing.


I really like this one hold on 😭😭 hope you guys enjoyed just as much as me!!

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