a picture worth capturing - kim seungmin

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here we are. inside me and my boyfriend seungmin's house doing nothing but laying here and making conversation and saying nonsense that not even we understand but still it's sometimes funny to us for no reason. "I'm so bored right now" seungmin says from the couch he's been laying down in for about half an hour. "me too it's so nice and chilly out too and we're wasting it inside" I say sighing while turning off my phone since I've been scrolling on tiktok for a questionable, concerning amount of time. "wait" seungmin says "what?" I ask confused "I have a good idea on what to do change into something a bit more warmer" seungmin says going into our bedroom to I assume change "where on earth are we going?" I ask while laughing at his sudden movements when I go into our room "just get changed and make sure to bring your camera" he says "you still have it right?" he asks "well yea" I say taking it out the box that I kept in the closet.

"good I'll make sure to bring my camera too hurry up though and get changed" he says. "will you please tell me where we're going min?" I ask "not until you change!!" he yells from the living room "fine!" I say finally giving in to seungmin and his unknown plan he has might I add. I finally get dressed so I don't immediately get cold while we're out "ok I'm dressed and I have my camera can we go to the super top secret location now?" I joke "yes we can come on" he says going out the door with his camera strap around his neck. "oh my gosh this park is beautiful" I say as we pull into this amazing park with cherry blossom trees and a small garden in the middle of the park, with all different kinds of flowers planted in it. and has a walk way and view overlooking the blue water and tall buildings on the far other side of the ocean separating it and the sun directly above the water making it almost glisten.

"this place is a dream oh my gosh" I say looking around with the chill air hitting my face. "woah" is all seungmin says while also looking around with mouth in a o shape. "go sit at the bench in front of the water" seungmin says "my favorite part" I say referring to the whole picture taking process. wherever me and seungmin go we always bring our cameras it's just habit for us now. ever since high school we've both been into photography and then going into college it was the same thing.

"just act like your usual self you can get up, dance around, look over at the water just whatever ok?" he say "got it" I say. then I begin doing my own thing and hear the clicks of seungmin's camera. "ok I'm done now do it with my camera will you?" I ask handing him my camera gently. "sure thing love" seungmin and I blush and smile suddenly at the smile "seungmin then suddenly and quickly he takes a picture of me "yes!!! got it" he says going back on my camera to look at the image "got what?" I ask going up to seungmin and standing next to him to see the picture he took of me just now. "the picture I just took of you, you were smiling and you looked really pretty so.. here look" he says giving me the camera so I can see the picture. I gasp when getting a good look at the picture "oh no now that's so good seungmin" I say "let's take a few more?" seungmin offers "of course!" I say going back to where I was told to stand by at first from seungmin.

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"ok now it's your turn!" I say to seungmin before he took my last picture "ok ok" seungmin says giving me both his and my camera to be able to take both pictures on both cameras. once seungmin starts moving around, and doing his own stuff I quickly begin taking my first of pictures on mine then after some time past I took some on seungmin's camera "come here look at some of these pictures" I call over seungmin and he comes quickly towards me. "these are really good love" seungmin compliments me "thanks" I say smiling. let me take one last picture of you" seungmin says "didn't you take enough?" I ask "yes but I have more pictures on your camera then I do on my camera so a few more won't hurt right?" seungmin says "ok but be quick I'm getting a bit hungry" I say "It'll be quick I promise go" he says and I go in view of his camera and do the usual and I let seungmin take a few more photos of me.

seungmin's pov

I was taking a few more pictures of y/n since I didn't have enough and as I'm taking pictures one picture I took really stood out to me. it was of y/n with her back facing the water while the sun kind of covers the camera lens and it creates a sort of rainbow color on the edge of the picture and the picture is a bit blurry but you can still see y/n and her surroundings, her hairs blowing in her face and she's smiling. her smile is so beautiful I just can't help but admire every and any picture I take of her, she looks so happy and stunning it almost hurts to see. "wow.. baby come see this one" I yell to her and she comes over "let me see" she says moving her hair out of her face from the wind "oh my gosh seungmin" y/n says laughing. "this is amazing" she says looking back at me.

"you know what else is amazing?" I ask her "what?" she replies "my model" I say referring to her. "ohh me" she says giggling "yes you, you're beautiful in this. truly." I say coming more and more closer to her face finally letting our lips break the gap. the kiss was tender and full of nothing but love and sweetness, tasting exactly like candy. I then pull away "I" I say before kissing anywhere on her face "love" another kiss "you" I say with the last kiss. I look back at the picture still displayed on the screen of my camera "you know what?" I ask "what?" y/n asks still looking at me "I'm gonna have this framed" I say "oh stop" y/n says laughing walking away "I mean it your too cute" I say running after her to catch up.


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