CHAPTER 1 -Just More Than Friends

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"Are you okay?" Ohm asked softly, for the hundredth time as he followed his friend into the dressing room.

"Hum." Nanon nodded weakly and took another sip from the water bottle in his hand. Lots of people were outside, family, friends, fans, co-workers and also their manager, but they found a way to escape all of them for a minute just to have a heart-to-heart, like usual. However, that wasn't an usual night, their First Fan Meeting in Thailand had just ended, but it didn't feel like an ordinary event at all. Even though Ohm and Nanon said their goodbyes to the audience before the lights went out, the tremendous need they felt to be around each other refused to subside as they went backstage. The show was over, the job was done, but their hearts were still beating too fast, and their minds were flooded with each other. Both wondered if they would eventually get past the raw love confessions shared so desperately and passionately in front of thousands of people.

"I got worried for a minute back there. I thought you wouldn't stop crying." Ohm commented as he observed every single detail of Nanon's weary expression. He searched for signs of sadness on his features, but he felt relieved to find none. The intense weeping of his best buddy earlier was indeed due to a mix of happiness, excitement, gratefulness, understanding and too many other emotions building up at once. O-N Friend City was epic and quite revealing. He hoped the feedback was positive this time and that fans stopped speculating that he and Nanon were still having issues. The pressure that fame and popularity put on them was sometimes unbearable, but he found comfort in the thought that he wasn't alone in that scary journey. As long as Nanon was okay, he would be okay.

"Sorry, my friend. I guess I allowed my emotions to take the best of me." He replied, looking away when the other walked towards him. "I just couldn't keep it in...Geez, now everyone thinks I'm a crybaby. I must've looked pathetic out there."

"Nah, it's fine. Never be sorry for being you. Being yourself is what I like the most about you. You being you is the reason I love you." Ohm smiled and reached for his hand, but Nanon carefully brushed his fingers away with a sigh and put his water bottle on the vanity just to cross his arms around his chest. His best buddy frowned, a bit puzzled by the defensive stance. Nanon rarely avoided skinship, he was the one who'd initiate it most of the time when they were alone. Therefore, Ohm expected to have his touch welcomed and even rewarded, but never rejected. He suddenly feared that he wasn't able to read Nanon as well as he thought, and maybe something was really wrong with his co-star.

"It's been a long night. The fanservice was over the top. Fans and anti-fans won't stop talking about it for a while." Nanon took a deep breath before he stared right into his colleague's eyes. "We did enough touching for today, let's just give each other some space now. There are no cameras around." Nanon avoided his wounded gaze and moved away from him a little, but Ohm was not letting him escape from the truth, not that night, not after everything they said to each other minutes ago in front of a huge audience. So he blocked his path and tried to access the situation.

"Are you kidding me? Are you telling me you're that good of an actor? When you shouted repetitively that you love me on that stage and cried copiously on my shoulder, laying your soul bare for everyone to see...Were you actually acting?" Ohm asked in disbelief as he grabbed Nanon by the arm, forcing him to face him. Nanon eyed the firm hand on his arm and inhaled.

"Ohm, let me go. We're both tired and we need rest." He protested, putting a hand above the one that held his arm with so much determination.

"You weren't pretending back there. You can be a hell of an actor, but you can't fool me. I know you." Ohm narrowed his eyes, and they fiercely demanded an answer from a slightly nervous Nanon. Time stood still, as they both seemed to think of what to say next. Nanon remained tight-lipped, so a resigned Ohm came very close to his friend and touched the side of his face gently. "Non, you do love me, don't you?" Ohm refused to let go, and Nanon couldn't help giving him an impatient look. They have said they loved each other thousands of times, but the 'I love yous' spoken that night felt more intense, much more intimate and deeper than the previous ones, definitely on a hopelessly romantic level. They weren't fake, they weren't fanservice, they were real.

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