Chapter 5: Just Lies

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Silence filled the room. A guilty Nanon was sitting on the bed, still wrapped around the stained sheets he was enveloped the night before, a night he could barely remember, but he still wished to forget. A quiet Mark was sitting on a chair across the room, still wearing just a robe, but also an unreadable look on his face. His finger was snapped, but Nanon couldn't tell if he was feeling any emotion at all. Mark had suddenly become a stranger to him, or worse than that, some sort of villain that he had no weapons to fight against. The singer didn't know what to expect from that person who he once called friend, but he told himself that whatever ominous attempt of Pakin that intended to harm his relationship with Ohm would be met with a fierce counterattack. Nanon thought that he just needed time and patience to study the former player's mindset and find a way to put an end to his threats and violent behavior. Nanon was used to examine every single detail of a person's personality. He trained himself to do that while taking different roles and immersing himself in the life of his characters. Method Acting had its perks. Nanon knew that to embody complex characters, an actor couldn't rely on mere written words; he needed to understand the entire social, political, moral and religious world of the character. Nanon came to realize that he only knew Mark to a certain extent, superficially, because he himself had carelessly accepted the friendly version of Mark Pakin which was introduced to him since the day they'd met. Now Nanon knew he needed to review his notes and go deeper into his analysis of the former player, not because he aimed to become him, but because he had to be in tune with Mark's personality in order to see far beyond its cracks, and rotten spots. He needed to verify the origin of Mark's venom in order to neutralize it. Nanon figured that he needed to use his acting skills to survive, and the more Mark thought that he had the singer wrapped around his little finger, the more Nanon would be in advantage. Getting closer to the flame to avoid a deflagration, that was going to be his strategy. It wasn't his best solution for that mess, but he felt that he could pull it off. He learned that no single being was unbreakable and that everyone had an Achilles' heel. He was convinced that once he understood Mark's attitude and realized what his weakness was, he could handle that dire situation without getting anyone else involved, especially Ohm.

The only problem he had to face in order to make his plan work was actually convincing his boyfriend that everything was alright.

"Let's start from the beginning again." A clearly irritated Ohm announced in a stern voice. He had his arms crossed around his chest and he eyed the pair before him like an executioner ready to carry out a sentence of death. Half an hour ago, when he entered the room, he saw a scene that he didn't know what to make of, but it certainly made his blood boil.

30 minutes earlier...

After marching to the surprised entangled pair on the floor, a fuming Ohm roughly grabbed Nanon by the arm, pulled his boyfriend up to disconnect him from Mark's hold, and quickly picked up the sheets from the floor to swiftly wrap them around the still astonished singer. Mark was already repeating useless sentences like 'Wait, bro, I can explain', 'it's not what you're thinking', but none of his nervous pleas stopped Ohm's wrath. He mounted on Mark, who was still lying on the floor, skillfully immobilized him, and mercilessly twisted his right arm, the one which was wrapped around Nanon's naked waist the moment he entered the room. Mark's scream echoed in the room, and it was at that very moment that Nanon broke out of his shell-shocked state and intervened.

"Ohm, Ohm, Ohm! Enough, get off of him." Deep down Nanon wished his lover didn't listen to him. He wished Ohm would break every single bone in that miserable body, but Mark had nude photos of him, and he also knew about their relationship, so they had a lot to lose if they got on Mark's bad side and he decided to retaliate later. Nanon had to put aside the shame and hurt he felt due to the previous night's occurrence, he had to be rational and if necessary, defend the motherfucker who had roofied him hours ago. Nanon hated to fight his boyfriend, but he had no other option. Antagonizing Ohm at that moment in order to give them a fighting chance against their foe in the future was quite prudent. That man could turn their lives into a living hell in the blink of an eye, so he had to be careful if he intended to protect his secret relationship with Ohm.

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