Chapter 30: Just Sleepless

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"What is it?" A flabbergasted Ohm asked, wondering what he had done wrong. He quickly turned on the lampshade on the bedside table, to make sure his boyfriend was not hurt. "Hey, are you alright?"

"Yeah. It's fine. I mean, I can't... I can't sleep, okay!? Just go to your bed and don't try anything funny." Nanon hurried to say as he put some considerable distance between Ohm and himself. The older frowned, as he tried to understand what was going on.

"Nanon, what is this? Is this some kind of joke? Look, if this is some sort of prank, you'd better stop now because I really don't feel like laughing." Ohm cocked his head to the side and still eyed him in disbelief. "You're not really kicking me out of this bed, are you?" He added as he examined his lover's slightly panicked orbs.

"It's just that, we have a Fanmeeting tomorrow and we should-"

"Not this again! Man, what kind of excuse is that? We're both hard here and obviously willing to fuck each other's brains out, why can't we? We talked things out. We patched things up. I know you don't love Mark and you know I have no intention of fucking Perth. We are supposed to be okay now, right? You want this as much as me, I know that." Ohm complained as he reached for Nanon's arm, but the singer swiftly bushed his hand away.

"I'm serious, Ohm. Stop touching me. Just stay away. I'm not in the mood anymore. Leave me alone." Nanon said in a sharper manner. A clearly offended Ohm stayed still and didn't try to touch him again.

"Why are you doing this? I don't get it. Just explain to me-"

"I don't have to explain myself to you, Pawat! If you're so fucking horny you should go out and look for a whore who's unable to say no to you!" Nanon spat as he suddenly got up from the bed, folded his arms and turned his back on him.

"What the fuck are you on about? I don't believe you, Nanon. You've gotta be fucking kidding me. For fuck's sake, what is your problem now?! What is it that you're not telling me?" Ohm demanded as he stood up too and tried to make his boyfriend face him. However, as soon as he placed one hand on Nanon's shoulder and turned him around to face him, the singer bit his hand and ran to the bathroom. Ohm wailed in pain, but still ran after Nanon in order to stop the singer from locking himself in the bathroom. Unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough, and Nanon managed to slip through his fingers.

"Baby, listen to me, please open up. You're scaring me. I am genuinely worried about you now. Are you having some sort of episode, or something? I didn't mean to frighten you. I wasn't going to hurt you, or force you to do anything. I was just trying to understand what is going on with you. Come out and let us figure this out together." Ohm talked through the door, as annoyance turned into serious concern. He didn't know what to think at that point. Nanon not wanting to have sex with him was one thing, but biting his hand and running away was a completely different issue. Did it cross Nanon's mind that he could possibly force himself on him? Ohm felt awful at that moment.

"I don't want you to see me right now. I don't wanna see you. I want Chimon." Nanon whispered in a pitiful tone.

"Non...You know Mon is not here yet. He'll arrive tomorrow morning. Come on, I don't want you alone in there now. I can't see what you're doing and I'm afraid you might hurt yourself. I promise you I won't touch you, but you've gotta let me in, okay?"

"I, I can't. You're going to make me sleepy!"

"Nothing you say makes sense. Non, get out of there, I beg of you." Ohm insisted, with tears in his eyes. "You wanna talk to Chimon, don't you? Let's call the dumbass right now and convince him to give us another chance. How does that sound, huh?" The older added as he started to look for Chimon's number in his phone contact list.

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