Chapter 59: Just Spiralling

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Nanon insisted on the question. He couldn't understand why his ex refused to give him an honest answer, and Ohm's silence made him grow more suspicious by the minute. Either his ex was hiding one more case of unfaithfulness, or he was too stupid not to realize that Prom had a huge crush on him.

"Listen, he told me to stay away from you and let him have you. What gives him the right to ask me that?" The singer spoke in an anguished tone. "Did you sleep with him, or not?"

"No! That's absurd." Ohm said quickly. "Look, if he said that to you, it is because he thinks you and I are not a great combination. He's just looking out for me in his own way. Maybe because we got too close, he confused things, I don't know...Non, you have to understand that when I found out you had gotten on a plane and left me behind, I lost completely. I did things that I am not proud of, and I feel ashamed to share some of them with you."

"Oh, really? It's time you grow some balls and take responsibility for your actions. Did you lead him on or something?" A determined Nanon repeated the question, fixing his eyes on him quite intently, as if he intended to read the other's soul.

"No, I didn't." Ohm said firmly one more time, and avoided his gaze for a second. "It was only a kiss."

A disappointed Nanon felt a lump form in his throat. "Wow, you never cease to surprise me. How was it? Did you like it?"

"I barely remember it. I was drunk, for chrissake!" Ohm lifted his eyes to meet his again.

"Right, it meant nothing. Like the sex with Ananda." A sour Nanon said sarcastically, shooting daggers at him.

"If it's any consolation, I thought he was you when I did it." Ohm commented in a guilty voice. "I swear I made clear to him that he and I could never work. Right after it happened we talked about it, and we both agreed that it wouldn't happen again, and that the kiss was a mistake."

"Aren't you attracted to him? Not even a little bit? How could you have mistaken him for me even in your drunken stupor if he and I are not even alike?" The singer hissed, unable to believe whatever escaped from Ohm's lips at that moment.

"I missed you like crazy. I wished he were you. I wished it so bad, that for a second, the alcohol made me think that he was." Ohm replied miserably, with his eyes cast down.

"So you liked it, at least a little bit, right?" Nanon chewed on his lip, struggling to digest what he was listening.

"I like you! I adore you. Nanon, you own me completely." Ohm touched the bracelet around his wrist and took a deep breath. "And I know you feel the same, even though you're still hurting."

"I do love you, but right now, I also hate you more than I ever did." The singer confessed sorrowfully. "Get out." Nanon closed his eyes and put both his hands on his face, hiding the tears he knew he couldn't hold back anymore. "Please, just leave me alone."

"Non, I am sorry." Ohm kneeled before him and touched his arm. "But you need to know that what I feel for you hasn't changed. Neither Ananda nor Prom could ever find a room in my heart, because it's already full of you. I am still the guy who is desperately in love with you, and wants to marry you, and spend the rest of my life with you."

"Of course you are! That's what every single cheater says!" Nanon removed his hands from his face, slapped his fingers away from his arm and let his angry tears fall. "You couldn't even wait until I was back!? Why didn't you think twice before betraying me this way? You kiss a freaking teenager, you fuck a Kunaanuwit ! And there are probably others who I'll certainly never hear about. What else did you do, huh?" He pointed an accusing finger at the older without giving him a chance to defend himself. "You're a goddamn whore, Ohm! That's what you are! And if you really think I will ever agree to marry a dirty man slut like you again, you really don't know me at all! Now get out! You make me sick!" An anguished Nanon spat, and his astonished ex simply did what he asked. The singer didn't fail to see the desolated expression on the older's face when he nodded to him, sighed, and walked out of the room.

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