Chapter 39: Just a beach

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Nanon slept through the road trip most of the time. When he wasn't sleeping, he was on his phone, texting nonstop. Ohm noticed that, but said nothing.

When they arrived at the village, they decided to stay at a secluded small hostel. When they were out at the beach, they were always wearing sunglasses, caps, face masks, hoodies, and sometimes, even wigs. Whenever someone stared at them too much, they would quickly return to their room, scared of being recognized or even photographed together.

"Gosh! This is not what I expected." An exasperated Ohm complained and sighed in frustration as their 10th attempt of having a normal date outdoors failed. "Damn, can't people just mind their own business?"

"It's probably the whole disguise thing. It's the beach, and people are not used to seeing a couple wearing so many layers in this climate. Our strategy to conceal our identities is what is drawing people's attention to us." Nanon reasoned with him. "We can go out again when it gets darker. It's too hot outside anyways."

"Whatever." The older one leaned on the window and stared at the stunning sunny day that surrounded them, but at the same time, it was taken from them. The inviting waves and healing sand beckoned him, but he was forced to stay inside that room and decline their offer of refreshment and relaxation. He suddenly hated to realize that swimming in broad daylight on a beach with his lover was as intimidating as breaking the law. If he and Nanon went out there, there would be consequences, and they would certainly be punished severely. He couldn't help sulking. It felt like having ordinary happiness like average people did, was forbidden for the two of them. He knew that would happen when they started dating, but now that netizens were crucifying him on social media, mundane joys of the outside world were even more restricted to him. The fear of being seen with Nanon was even more palpable now. If people spotted them and tweeted that Nanon Korapat was seen having fun with his best buddy during that bullying scandal, the singer's reputation would certainly suffer. And the last thing Ohm wanted was to drag his lover down with him. He wanted to protect Nanon as much as he could, and he knew that keeping his distance from him would be the best way to do that, but staying away from Nanon felt like denying himself the will to live.

"Since we have to wait till it gets dark, we could try composing our song. What do you think?" A resigned Ohm suggested, still staring out the window. When he didn't get a response, he saw Nanon sitting on the bed, on his phone again, texting rapidly, absorbed in whatever conversation he was having there. That made Ohm unreasonably angry. "Who are you texting?" The older actor left his spot by the window and towered over the bed.

"No one." Nanon put his phone aside as soon as he noticed Ohm's approach him. He looked up to face the older and gulped. His nervous expression denounced him. It was clear that he was hiding something, and Ohm didn't fail to notice that.

"Who were you texting, Nanon?" The older insisted.

"It's just a friend." The singer replied, casting his eyes down. He knew Ohm could read his soul through them, and he didn't want the older actor to know that he was withholding.

"We come here to enjoy a weekend, just the two of us, and you're texting a friend?" Ohm asked in annoyance, throwing his hands in the air.

"We didn't say anything about turning cell phones off and following Pat and Pran's rules. We're not college students who ran away from home, remember? We still have to answer to people-"

"What the hell, Nanon! Why can't you just tell me who you've been texting since we left Bangkok?!" Ohm exclaimed, as he picked up Nanon's phone from the bed and turned it on. "What's the password?" He asked as soon as the mobile screen lightened up.

"It's my phone, why should I tell you?" The singer lifted his head up again and crossed his arms defiantly.

"I'm your boyfriend, and we don't keep secrets from each other." Ohm argued in a briskly manner. Nanon scoffed.

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