chapter 7 ~ today's the day!

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I woke at 3am to the sound of my alarm, which was Firework (don't judge, it gives me good memories). The lights in my ensuite beamed down, causing me to look like a panda. I thought it would be funny to send this to Shawn. I placed my phone down next to the sink and used my tea tree facial wash to make sure I looked my best, then brush my teeth.
Why do I have to be so ugly? Shawn wouldn't waste time with me, he could practically get any girl he wanted!
S: You would be a great panda! Lol
P: Yeah? Well you would be an AMAZING donkey x
S: Ur so mean to me (laughing face)
P: Okay, I take it back x lol
S: U better!
P: U know I will x
Aww, he's so adorable! I don't care if he doesn't like me in that way!
I decided to check my rhinestone studded dance bag that i was using as hand luggage.
.Charger (phone and iPad)
.Adapter for chargers
.Headphones (glittery ones)
.Neck pillow (must have)
.My old tap shoes just to practise
.Portable charger (2 chargers, I know)
.My fave book at the moment (13)
. A burgandy crop top, black shorts, white converses, flower crown and a watch to change into when we arrive at Canada (picture at top)

Its ment to be 23°c in Canada as its summer, which I think is pretty high compared with the UK sometimes.
"Paisley, we need to go!" My mum shouted up.
"Just coming!" I yell
I made sure to grab my bag and ran all the way to the car.

On the
I was stuck in between my mum and Will, which was hell! I've been on here for 6 and a half hours already, I couldn't deal with the hour we had left, so I got up to go to the toilet and took my bag with me.
Ugh! There's a que of 4 people waiting, including a girl that was now staring at me.
"Are you Paisley Brooke's?" She questioned me
"Yeah, I am..." I say, slightly discomforted.
"Omg, its really you!" She squeals while giving me a hug.
"Do you want a picture?"
She hands me her phone and we take a selfie, and she says she will post it on istagram.
"Sorry, I didn't introduce myself, I'm Claire"
She looked around 17, with pretty, big brown eyes just like Shawn's.
"Pleased to meet you, are you Clarethedancer on vine, the one with the really nice comments?''
"Aww, did you really think they were nice? "
"Of course I did!" Wow, this is the girl that has been so supportive of me from my first vine last month. She even gave me and shawn a ship name shaisley!
"So, why are you going to Canada?" She asks after we both go to the toilets. She had a seat free next to her so I asked my mum and Will if I could go sit there.
"Well its my mums boyfriends parents 40th anniversary, so we are here for 2 weeks."
"Doesn't shawn live in Canada?"
"Yes." My face turns 50 shades of red and I smiled like a mad man.
"Oooo!" Claire cooed
"Well, it turns out he is living next door to where I'm staying"
I barely whisper.
"You two would be so cute together!" She screamed, and the whole, and I mean the WHOLE plane stared at us, including my mum and Will.
This is so embarrassing!

We had collected all of our suitcases and walked out of the airport. My energy was radiating off of me and I started skipping back and forth, earning some concerned stares. I could see Claire from where I was standing and give her a little wave. She takes out her phone and starts recording me, so I to start pretending to sing to my suitcase and do a little tap dance around it.
"Got it!" Claire shouted over the crowd and I give her a thumbs up.
A sleek black SUV pulled up near us and an oldish man gets out and yells over to us "I see you've arrived?"
Will immediately smiles spoke "Good to be home dad!"
I didn't notice but someone else had got out of the car, but I couldn't see who because of all the people in the way. A little path clears and when I saw who it was my heart did a little dance
"Shawn!" I yell. His adorable face lit up like a Christmas tree and I ran and jumped into his arms.
He squeezes me and whispers into my ear "Great to see you finally."
"You too" I was almost in tears. I know it sounds weird but I have been messaging him for a month now and all of the emotions that I was feeling just overwhelmed me. We seperated and he looked at me with his warm brown eyes and laughed. "You really do look like a panda now!" He chuckled while wiping under my eyes and showing me the black smudge that came off on his finger.
"Oh, wow!" I giggle.
"Ahem!" Will wiggles his eyebrows causing me to blush and walk over to the suitcase I stranded and put it in the boot.
We all get in the SUV with Will and his dad in the front, my mum, shawn and me in the back.
"So, you must be the famous Paisley I hear a lot about?" Wills dad says
"Yes I am, sir!" I say with WAY too much enthusiasm.
"No need to call me sir, call me gramps OK?"
"I will gramps"
Most of the car ride was about school, life and dance, but then it got interesting.
"So this fine young man here is Shawn, but it seems like you already know him, am I right?" Gramps questioned
"Kind of..." I responded, not knowing what to say.
Shawn was to the right of me looking out of the window, and hadn't breathed a single word since we got in the car.
"Well I messaged Paisley on that app called vine that i was talking to you about Paul, telling her how good she was and it just went from there I guess" He smiled and looked my way, seeing my shocked face.
"What did I do?" He puts his hands up to show his innocents
"Nothing" I say softly "I'm just tired." I yawn and rest my head on his shoulder, breathing in his fresh and minty scent...


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