chapter 13

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Paisleys POV
I kissed Shawn. I kissed Shawn. I kissed Shawn? I kissed Shawn!
"Paisley, what are you going on about?" I feel the vibration from Shawn's chest and immediately wake up from my hazy dream. I must have been muttering in my sleep, oops! Wait, Shawn's chest? I look up and find myself wrapped in his arms. "Magcon." I whisper, remembering last nights excitement.
"Mmmm..." He mumbles, still half asleep. He is so cute!
"Aren't you going to get up?" I breathe into his chest.
"I'm fine where I am" He says and squeezes me causing us both to laugh.
"Well, I need to shower so..." I hint

"So what ?" He replies, barely awake. Pushing him off the bed, I say "So you need to get out." He hits the floor with a soft landing though as he pulled the duvet with him.
"But I'm tired" He whines and cocoons himself in my duvet.
"Fine, just don't be a perv and look." I huff and then open my suitcase. Yeah, I know, I'm lazy. I've been here for 3 days and still haven't unpacked but I'm only here for 2 weeks. I rumage through and pick out a light pink top that says "Dislike" with a Facebook thumbs down across the top half of it, plain black leggings and some underwear.
Peering over to Shawn I see that he has turned around looking in the opposite direction.
"Why are you so lazy?" I call out to him.
"Because I'm me, and I am awesome!" He calls back and I roll my eyes. I open the ensuit door and set my clothes down by the sink and turn the shower on. Closing the door I see that Shawn wasn't on the floor anymore. Probably gone back next door.
I shrug and get in the shower and start to hum "feel this moment" by pitbull ft Christina Aguilera, but end up full on singing by the time I get out.
Why am I so ugly? I don't mean anything to anyone, I'm worthless.
Since being away from my friends my negative thoughts have come back. I mean look at me, staring in the mirror silently dissing myself. I just need to stop...
Knock knock!
"I'll be out in a second! " I call and get changed. That's better. I say in my head and open the door
"Boo!" Shawn shouted and I scream and fall to the floor, almost in tears from how much I was laughing. "I dislike you!" I say and point to my top.
"Oh, now you've upset Shaisley4ever!" Shawn laughs and I understand what he's going on about, his phone was in his hand the whole time, probably making a vine.
"If you upload that..." I shake my head at him.
"What would you do?" He asked, pretending to be scared.
"I will... ERM... Figure that out later?" I struggle to say.
Shawn just laughs and helps me up, pulling me into him. I look up and smile at him. He turns all of my negative thoughts into nothing, and I'm grateful for that.
"I'm posting it so I guess you just have to think about payback while I'm gone. And by gone I mean next door at my house ." He chuckles and I nod while he pulls away.
"Okay, see you later?" I question him.
"Well apparently your having dinner round mine with your family, so yeah." Shawn waves at me and winks omg! The door closes and I decide to make a vine.
"Hey everyone, you know that feeling when your lonely?" Flip camera to show I'm alone, then flip back "No, me neither." I tag Shawn and post.
The door opens and my mum comes in.
"I just got a call from a man called Bart Bordelon, and I just want to ask if your ready..." She drags out the sentence "to meet the rest of Magcon?!" I scream and run into her arms.
"Thank you so much mum!"
"I'm so proud of you Paisley! My little girl has grown up." She looks at me and gives me another hug.
"It's been settled, next week you and Shawn parents will be going to New York and Will and i will stay here with Paul (gramps), Elizabeth (nan) and Aaliyah (Shawns sister)."
"Why aren't you coming?" I ask
"Because I know that you can be trusted, and Bart explained that parents will not be permitted to tour with you." My mum said and I nodded my head to show that I understood. I'm going to New York!
"Thank you so much for letting me do this!" I squeal in happiness and excitement.

4 o'clock that day

"Will!" I shout down the stairs to him.
"Is there anywhere I can practise and stretch? I'm getting less flexible by the second!" I joke.
"Try asking next door, I think Karen and Manuel said you could use their spare room. " Will said.
I change into my black and gold dance crop top and leggings and head next door.
I knock and wait patiently and finally Aaliyah opens the door with blushing cheeks. "Were you talking about me or something?" I raise my eyebrow at her.
"Well... I was just talking to Shawn about dance and he told me to invite you over, which I was just about to do." She explains at rapid fire.
"Woah, wait slow down! Can I come in now?" I smirk
"Yeah, I'm just gonna ask my mom about dinner, I'm starving!" I nod and make my way upstairs into Shawns room, making sure to knock.
"Come in!" He yells, and I open the door.
"You know, I'm only outside the door, you don't need to shout." I go up to him and whisper in his ear.
"So, are you excited?" Shawn asks me while I'm still close to him.
"OH MY GOSH! You have no idea how ecstatic I am for Magcon!" I squeal, causing Shawn to flinch.
"I'm right here you know?" He smirks and we just laugh at each other. I peer over his shoulder onto his computer.
"What you looking at?" I ask
"Just the other viners, we are meeting them next week so we need to familiarize ourselves."
"Oooh, look at Shawn! He can use big words!" I tease and he flicks my ear.
"Ow! That hurt." Using my best acting skills I start to cry and Shawn falls for it. He immediately turns and puts his arm around me, pulling in for a hug.
"I'm sorry Paisley, I didn't mean it." He coo's and rubs my back. I told him I'd get payback. Shawn didn't know but I recorded the whole thing and was about to post it on vine.
"You've been punked!" I laugh. Shawn looks at me with a shocked look on his face.
"Why did you do that?" He looked as if he was about to cry so I pulled him into a hug.
"Don't cry, it was only payback." I say.
"I've got an idea, why don't I face time some of my friends so we're happy again?" I suggest to Shawn and he nods.
Ring ring ring ring ring ring
Ivory picks up on the 6th ring and screams the moment we connect.
"Paisley is gonna be famous!" She yells
"Good to see you to!" I laugh.
"Seriously though, have you seen the boys that are going to be part of Magcon? I mean, they are the type to make you 'die on the spot'
I'm so envious!" My eyes go wide at what she says and I go scarlet.
"Shut up Ivory!" I scold her and look over to Shawn who was now frantically typing something in on his computer.
"I'm with Shawn right now so you should zip it." I whisper into the mic.
"What like right now?" Her face lights up and I'm surprised she doesn't crack the screen with her excitement.
"Yes I mean right now" I huff and flip the camera so Ivory could see.
"Shawn, look over here!" I yell, trying to get his attention. He turns around on his desk chair and waves at my phone.
"Omg!" I hear Emiline voice and switch the camera back so she could see me.
"Em, is that you?" I ask my phone (lol)
"Pais! Have you seen how hot Cameron Dallas is?! You lucky girl! Can I come with you?" She squeals and once again I hear Shawn's fingers frantically typing.
"Em, you really need to shut up!" It lucky that Shawn is to entranced in his laptop, otherwise he would see a different side of me.
"I'm sorry but have you seen him? I don't mind getting yelled at over him" She chuckles.
"You two really are hormonal teenage girls" I laugh and set my phone down onto Shawns desk and investigate what he's searching.
"So, what have you guys been up to then?" I quickly change the subject.
"Well it turns out that if you make friends with the cool kid then dorm life becomes dramatically easier." Emiline states
"OK..." I trail off.
"Shawn!" I snap. "What are you doing?" I catch a glimpse of his computer and he freaks out.
"I'm writing an email to Bart saying I don't want to be part of Magcon." His eyes sadden as he speaks.
"Why would you do that, I thought you wanted to go?" I stand behind him and put my hand on his shoulder.
"Because..." He trails off, looking towards my phone.
"I'll snap you later yeah?" I say while ending the face time.
"Just tell me what's wrong. I'm not going to Magcon without you, so it better be worth being sad about" I laugh and try to lighten the mood.
"Its just that most of these boys are vine-famous partly due to their appearance, and I don't fit in with them." He looks down and his checks go red so I could tell he was embarrased to talk about it.
"Aww Shawn, don't listen to yourself, your perfect." I smile at him and his eyes lock with mine, setting my worries free.
Shawn stands up and hugs me close "thanks Paisley, you always make me smile." And sure enough, he was smiling, right into my heart...

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