chapter 17

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Thanks to JordanBrewer019  for showing how much she likes this fanfic , its much appreciated xx THE MUSIC IS THERE JUST BECAUSE...

Who doesn't love packing? (Most people!)
Unlike most, I struggle with unpacking. So that's probably the reason for me sitting on my bed right now, half asleep,as I finished in 5 minutes. In 8 hours time Shawn, his parents, and me will be on a plane to NEW YORK! I'm so excited!!!
Ring ring ring
I hear my mums phone go off and then her footsteps rushing out of the door.
What's going on?!
I throw the thought off and check vine. There have recently been some hate comments, I try not to let them get to me, but they've got worse.
@rhirhi sent you a message:
I hope the boys see how much of a slut you are and slit your throat!
That's got to be the worst I've received this week, but, I just couldn't care less.
To @rhirhi:
We all have hopes and dreams but not everyone can achieve them. I suggest that you sort your attitude out and point it in a direction other than your backside, then you just might get respect xx
That should sort her out. I quickly press send and immediately get  a notification.
S=shawn P:paisley
S:have u heard the news? X
S:Bart just called your mom explaining that my parents didn't have to come with us if they didn't want to, so Paul is gonna drop us off to the airport at 11 2nite as we're getting an earlier flight so we get to NY the same time as the rest of the boys do x
P: omg, yes!!! Can't wait, only a couple hours now!
S: that means I'm gonna have to sit next to u the whole time on the plane, somebody save me!
P: what's so bad about me?!
S: You're so hyper sometimes, its cute tho x
P: good save, I was about to burn u and post it on twitter lol x
S: yeah, I saw...
P: what?
S: that @rhirhi girl, she posted what u said on to twitter, she deserved it tho, don't worry xx
P: oh god, ppl r gonna hate me
S:they're not, trust me, check twitter x

I open twitter and sure enough there was a twitter war going on.
Surprisingly I wasn't getting any hate, and to top it off, the girl said sorry! That's the thing with people, they think they can say whatever, but when there are more people getting involved, they go quiet and apologize.
I check the time on my phone 19:30 and text Shawn.
P:can I come over? X
S:yeah sure, just be prepared to see my horrendous packing lol
P: be right over xx

I look in the mirror and fix my hair and my outfit. I was wearing my favorite playsuit. It was a light blue color with white cloud like things and salmon feathers covering it.
"Hey!" A shout came from downstairs, and I could tell it was Aaliyah.
"Yeah?" I call back while closing my bedroom door.
"We need some help, and by we, I mean Shawn. He can't close his suitcase" she shrugged and we walked next door.
As soon as I enter I feel a hand grab me and lead my to their bedroom.
"Close your eyes, don't laugh." Shawn whispered and heard him open his door. I blindly walk in and trip up on what I think is a top.
When I open my eyes I see a collection of clothing items all across the floor. I immediately laugh at how bad his packing skills were, I thought he was lying!
"Come on Shawn, its not that bad..." I say, and he helps me up. He looks me over and smiles.

"I like your dress thing." I nudge him and tell him it's called a play suit. 

"You're not to bad yourself. Now, erm, do you want me to sit on the suitcase so you can zip it up?" I carefully make my way over to his bed, trying not to trip up on anything else, and sit on the case. It didn't budge.

"What have you packed in here, an elephant?"

"No, but I did pack 2 weeks worth of clothes, a Harry Potter book, my laptop, some candy, sunscreen..." He trailed off, and it raised my eyebrows.

"Not to much then." I say, then attempt to zip the case up. "Aren't you gonna help?"

"I'm so excited for NY you have no idea. I'm kinda scared to meet everyone though." Shawn says as we struggle against the zip, but in the end we succeed.

"What do you mean? The boys are fine, you know that." I sensed there was something wrong with Shawn and give him a hug. He whispers into my hair "I'm scared that you won't like me anymore..."

"Shawn, you know I like you, even a bit more than like. I'm not just gonna ruin this for anything, trust me." I look up and place a gentle kiss on his lips and we stand hugging for what seemed like forever.

*****************************************************************************************************At the airport

We board our plane in an ecstatic rush, we would arrive in NY at 1 in the morning(GET ME A STARBUCKS) 

"I'm so excited, I'm so excited, I'm so excited..." I chant over and over, earning an annoyed look from the woman sitting in front of us. We had only just sat down and Shawn was already asleep on my shoulder, holding my hand. I look out of the window as we begin our ascent. The feeling was so exhilarating, even though I'd been on a plane before it felt special to share this moment with the person I was starting to fall for, even if they were asleep...

I'm so sorry for this short chapter, it sucks, I know. I have really big plans for this in the future, but it still have to figure the middle bits out first. If you have any tips please feel free to scrutinise me in the comments, I don't mind. If you have written a story and want some help on promoting it message me and I will.

Love you all so much 633 reads is a big accomplishment for me, thank you!!! 

~shani xx

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