chapter 25

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Ok, so i recommend that you re read the last actual chapter, its only short x Also, SHAWNIE BOOS WORLD TOUR IM SO EXCITED BUT IM NOT GOING OMG I LOVE HIM SO MUCH I JUST WANT TO HUG HIM AND AWW, SO CUTE IT HURTS MY HEART!


"Well thats just great." I say sarcastically.

"What?" Shawn asks, but Bart beats him to it.

"Paisley! Can i speak to you quickly?" He calls from the corner, staring at his phone.
I give Shawn the 'im so not dreading this but im a sarcastic witch' face, while his eyebrows furrow.

I walk over to Bart and immediately understand why he chooses to stand in the corner all the time. Its quiet here, peaceful almost.

"So, can you tell me about MTV?" He questions, but i feel a change of attitude come along. Maybe its just hormones?

"Well i was hoping you could shine some light on the situation." I respond, making him laugh.

"Its all fun and games until someone gets hurt Paisley. Dont let that someone be you okay?" I nod my head, not knowing what to make of the situation.

After all, its only a little bit of hate.


That night Paisleys POV

The jacks jump on either side of the bed while im trapped in the middle, close to being sick.

"Guys stop!" I yell, feeling my stomach churn once more.

"Why? We cant stop otherwise you will steal us." Johnson laughs a bit to hard for my liking and swipe his leg from under him, almost being squashed.

"That was so not funny" i dead pan. I move my head and notice Shawn just shaking his head at how me and j are tangled up. It would almost be sexual looking if he wasnt such a goofball and snapchating very unflattering selfies.

G plods off to the bathroom, exchanging something with Shawn on the way. He just looks at me like i was the only thing in the room. And me being me, i pull a weird face at him to pull him out of the trance he was in.

I kick J off the bed and Shawn comes over and starts humming.

"Whats up?" I ask him. His hair looked so fluffy in the dim TV lit room.

"Nothin much, just thinking about what Jack G said." By now the jacks had left to chill with the rest of the guys, leaving just us.

"What did he say?"

"Something about something..." He trails off and i raise my eyebrows.

"Well, that sound so interesting and everything, but something tells me that i might need some sleep...something" i added the last one to annoy him, and it works.

"Youre so annoying!" He laughs and pushes my shoulder. I just brush his hand off and pretend to go to sleep, snuggled in the blankets.

Finally, crap chapter. Nothing in in. Yay! How successful am i rn? Urg, i cant write for shizzle lol

Just a boy ~ Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now