chapter 18

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Shawn's POV

"I can't believe you did that, they took pictures!" Paisley was currently shaking her head at my so called 'antics' and frantically searching for the exit.
"I mean, who pretends the baggage carrier is a train, like seriously, get a grip." She continues, and I grab her hands so she faces me.
"I'm sorry, but we're in New York, let's have some fun. Don't be a burnt muffin about it." I say, and she smiles her angelic smile.
"Arr, why do you have to be so..." She gets cut off by a group of yells and I feel some one jump on my back.
"OMG, YOU GUYS!" Paisleys face lights up like a Christmas tree as she takes in the people around her...

Paisleys POV

I need help to breath, its honestly an amazing feeling.
"Hi!" Is all I say as I go around each of the boys. It was so weird, we all started talking like we had known each other for years.
When I got to Cameron he gave me a wink and got his phone out.
"Guys we need to make a vine!" Jack j said, and tried to gather us all up.
"Everyone grab your bae and smile!" Matthew yelled and grabbed me.
"What's a bae?" I ask as Matthew wraps his arms around my waist for the vine.
"Before Anything/Anyone Else." He replied, and I blush. Looking around I saw that Shawn was on jack g's back, laughing as he almost fell off.
"Hey guys, guess who we found?" Jack j says to his phone then scans us all, going in for a close up.
"Love you!" I yell, trying to be heard over the boys.
"Look." Aaron whispers and then points to a group of girls holding a Magcon poster.

"We should surprise them, come on" i say as I sneak up behind them.

"Boo!" The girls turn around and scream their heads off, I was actually really surprised that they all embraced me in a hug.

"Oh my gosh, I love you so much!" A tall black haired girl said, then we took selfies.

*****************************************************************************************************In the minibus- Paisleys POV

"So what about you then Paisley, where are you from?" Taylor asked, and everyone locked their eyes on me.

"Well, I'm from the south of England. I wouldn't say I come from the best of places, but I think it's built me as a person. And I wouldn't mess with me if I were you." I laughed, then felt my phone vibrate.

Group chat

Shawn: it's true, I wouldn't mess with her! She is a killer lol

Cam: why? She looks sweet to me

Carter: yeah well you look sweet to cam, but I know what you are...


Paisley: guys, why are we texting, we are literally close enough to touch? x

Shawn whispers in my ear as we were sat next to each other.
"I think they all really like you, but..."
I raise my eyebrow then whisper back.
"But what?"
"But you're mine" he says and leans in, kissing me on the cheek. I instantly feel a rush of warmth flood into my cheeks and only then realize everyone was either staring, or filming. Great!
"SHAWN IS DA MAN!" The chant continues for the next 5 minutes, and all I can think about is "You're mine"...

******************************Hotel in NY

"So you all understand the rules?" Bart asks, and we all nod, eager to write out the line up. We have been here for 30 minutes already and haven't been to our rooms yet, instead we were led down to a huge reception area by Bart, he was now our 'manager' of sorts.
"So, it goes:Meet and greet, Q and A... " He trails off.
"Oh, then Shawn!" I suggest and a bunch of "yeah"s go around.

Just a boy ~ Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now