chapter 22

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Take me back to the concert! All I can think about is MagCon, and, I hate to say it, but I need to stop. (I won't though!) Do you guts like my new cover by youngpride ?
Also, a big shout out to fanfictionmendes for writing me and friend each an imagine on the same day, they are amazing. Make sure to check out her books x


"Im so hungry I could eat a horse!" I moan, sitting at a large round table waiting for food.

"Hey! Country boy, how many horses have you eaten?" Aaron jokes.

"Well, 236, approximately." Everyone quietens and I look around and smirk.
"Guys I'm joking!" I yell and everyone laughs, only to stop again when Shawn comes in.

"What did I miss?" He asks. (A/n I can't concentrate listening to Shawn and the Jacks...)

"We were just, horsing around!" I emphasize, and Shawn breaks a goofy smile on his face, finally catching on. He looks around the table and his eyes widen when he realises the only available seat was next to Cam and Matt. I sensed that there must be something going on, because Paisley isn't down here yet. Its not like her and Shawn to be separated.

"Here you go boys" the waitress sets down the load of food and we all tuck in.

"This is definitely better than horse." Matt chuckles


I hate crying, only if its happy tears. But to be honest, I'm crying because im confused, I'm crying because I miss my friends, I'm crying because I need to cry. And that's all there is to it.

I need to speak to Emiline

I grab my iPad and facetime Em, not even bothering to check what time it would be to her. It connects on the 7th ring.

"Paisley! I haven't seen you in a long time, how's it been?" She sees that I've been crying and asks "what's wrong?"

I smile a little and say "I just miss my friends." And idea flashes into my head, I think I'm about to turn badass. "And-" I smirk.

"What? Tell me!" She whines.

"I think its about time you met my boys, i-i mean the boys!" I say with a laugh.

I couldn't be bothered to get changed, so I swept my hair to the side and applied some makeup to cover the fact I'd been crying, all the while Emiline filled my in with the gossip.

"I think you will like them, they're nice...and cute." All the girls in the dorm begged for me to show them. Its funny how interested girls are in boys, it took about 3 minutes for them to crowd around Ems IPhone, they seem really fun.

"Okay okay, let's go." To other people it must of sounded like I was killing a pig, but no, it was the sound of hungry fangirls.

I made my way to the restaurant, making sure that I had signal before entering. One girl from the dorm asked if she could take pictures of the iPad, I just laughed and said yes. Its so weird how people want to know me, I'm just me:PLAIN AND SIMPLE.

"OK, so don't freak out or anything because I might get kicked out of this place." They all nodded eagerly.

I opened the door and spotted the boys on a big round table at the back, I flipped the camera so they could see. I carefully took my time so i wasn't noticed by them.

"Ok, so say boo on three." I whisper.

"One, two, three. Boo!" I poked Aaron from behind and they all jump when they hear the noise.

"Hey guys!" I say excitedly and show everyone the iPad.

"So these are my friends, and I need you to say hi, is that okay?" I motion to the iPad and Jack G takes it from my hand.

"Hey girls" he winks "how would you like me to say more than just hello?" I take it back and scold him.

"Jack! Don't taint them, they're innocent!"

"Trust you G" Nash shakes his head and laughs.

"Trust you Nash" Gilinsky fights back.

"Trust you both" Carter adds.

"No trust you Carter..." And one by one they all join in on the 'trust you' war, apart from Shawn, who sits quietly next to Can and Nash who were now playing Rock, Paper, Scissors. He meets my eyes and I look away.

"Yeah, so, wish me luck on touring with these idiots, I need it. I'll speak to you later Em, bye!"
"Guys, guys! Let's be real, its Paisleys fault we started this!" Taylor points at me and eight out of nine of them says "Trust Paisley!" All together.

I just shake my head and laugh.
I set the iPad down and a ditzie looking waitress comes over, her shirt buttons undone at the top, revealing almost everything.

"I'm sorry, but is this little girl bothering you at all?" She bats her fake spiders, I mean eyelashes and leans on the table.

"No, she's not." Matthew states, to busy looking at his phone to see the monstrosity lurking next to him.

"Well it looks like it should be her bedtime now so..." She looks at me and I feel the fury inside of me.

"Eww, don't breathe on me." I yelp when her dog breath fumes hit me.

"Excuse me?" She gasps and slams her foot down. That grabbed everyone's attention.

"You've been excused." I say, and try to get past her, but she grabs my wrists and dugs her claws into me.

"What did you say to me you little brat?"

"If you didn't hear, i suggest you should've used that boob job money for a hearing aid." I sass, and remove her nails from my skin before she draws blood. I look down at my wrist.

That's gonna leave a mark

"I'm tired of watching fake people do fake things for attention, its time that you realize that its not getting you anywhere." Everyone in this restaurant seems to have come to a halt, watching me battle with this burnt barbie. But I don't care, I'm over it. The boys all look like they've been punched in the stomach, their mouths hanging open, staring at me.
I turn and walk out of the doors and head back to the room, keeping my head down as I leave.


Ok everyone, how was that? I honestly don't know what I think about this chapter, so I need some comments. Please can you check out my other works if you have the time x
A new part will be up soon!
Love Shani
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