What Would You Do?

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Credit goes to Fidelis Scriptor

"Just get out, you poncy boy! We're eatin'!" shouted a man. The crowd agreed and began shouting their approval.

Bilbo felt stranded and looked around the crowd helplessly. No one seemed to be on his side, and the disgusted looks from the crowd made him feel unwanted. Finally, he grabbed Frodo's diaper bag and moved to stand, only to be stopped by a hand on his shoulder. He relaxed immediately, knowing the hand just from a glance.

"Is there a problem?" growled out Thorin, glaring at the waiter.

"We have to leave."

"And why is that?"

"You're gay! And the law gives me the right to refuse you service," the waiter said.

Thorin's eyes narrowed and he squares his chest. "I have just spent the last month in Iraq defending this country, only so that my lover and son to be treated as if they're dirt. So you're telling me that we can't sit down and eat here because of what happens behind closed doors? Where's your manager?"

"Thorin, please. Let's just go," Bilbo begged, shifting Frodo in his arms. The tall man's furious gaze softened at the sight of his whimpering son before taking Frodo into his arms. Realizing others are staring at the couple, some with guilt, Thorin motioned for Bilbo and Ori to follow him.

"We'll leave. But you will lose not only our business, but the entire military base here. Unfortunately for you, I'm quite popular with them." Smirking at the waiter's horrified look, Thorin left the diner with his family and friend.

"That was horrible. How could they treat us like that?" Ori asked.

"I don't know. I mean, aren't we a family? Frodo's safer with us than with anyone else. For them to say all those things..." Bilbo motioned for Thorin to hand him Frodo and the army man reluctantly handed his son to his lover.

"Unfortunately for us, that's just how it is. But that doesn't mean I won't break their noses," Thorin said, not noticing Bilbo's half hearted glare.

"How are you doing?"

"As well as you expect me to, after being called a freak and ruining my child's life," Bilbo said, emotionless, watching Frodo's sleeping form in his arms.

Thorin walked over and kissed the curly head of his husband. "You knew it existed."

"Doesn't mean I like it."

"It's everywhere. Even in the military. You don't think I didn't get looks, didn't hear the insults about you and Frodo? But that doesn't mean I'll let anyone touch a hair on you."

"Yeah, I know." Bilbo lay Frodo in his crib and watched as Thorin laid his blanket onto him and turned on the baby monitor.

As they headed back to their bedroom from their son's nursery, Thorin stopped them.

"What that waiter said is something that a lot of people believe. You saw those in the diner. But that doesn't mean that I won't fight for you. I love this country, but I also love you more, Bilbo." Kissing the shorter man's lips, Thorin smirked softly and said, "They don't know what they're missing. Especially when it comes to your pies."

"You're right about that," Bilbo joked, relaxing at last before heading to bed with his lover.

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