Their Mountain (Until The End) ninjamcgarrett

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A year after Thorin's company retakes Erebor, Bilbo finds himself remembering the tumultuous aftermath of the Battle of the Five Armies and what it meant for his relationship with Thorin. (Everybody lives and it has an incredibly fluffy and happy ending, I promise!)

The fire burned low in the grate as Bilbo finished off the last of his tea. He dipped his quill in the pot of ink on the small end table next to his chair and continued to write in the large book that lay open in his lap. The afternoon and evening had passed quietly, Thorin and his nephews tied up with council meetings, Bilbo with overseeing the reconstruction of the library with the help of Ori. Thorin had been unable to break away for dinner, so Bilbo had finished his work for the day and retired to the apartments they shared. It was late into the night now as he wrote; Kili had snuck away from the meetings not long before to let him know that Thorin was determined to finish the meeting as quickly as possible – though Kili had doubted that would be anytime soon. It had been days of meetings between the Bard and the new Master of Lake Town and the refugees who had returned to Dale to begin rebuilding it. The two cities were attempting to create trade agreements, brokered by Thorin – who was also acting as peacekeeper – and he had hoped for a resolution sometime that day or the following one.

Bilbo poured himself another cup of tea and packed his pipe. Life had been busy under the mountain since the defeat of Smaug and the Battle of the Five Armies – a year to the day now. Thorin and his company had reclaimed Erebor and set to work renovating and rebuilding the mountain as more of their people returned from Ered Luin to take up residence under King Thorin's rule in Erebor. A tenuous peace had been reached with Thranduil and now the two races tentatively traded with one another, hoping to erase the bad blood of the past, though that was many years, if not decades, away from coming to fruition. The Bard, once he had forgiven Thorin for waking Smaug and practically razing Lake Town, had become a great ally, working with them and establishing a strong trade. The dwarves now supplied building materials and tools while the men of Lake Town sent them fresh food as the dwarves worked tirelessly to cultivate once more their gardens.

The toll of the Battle of the Five Armies had been heavy, despite the peace and, a year on, the prosperity that now was standard. Lake Town had been all but destroyed by the wrath of Smaug, only the Bard's quick thinking and daring had saved the town. Most of the townspeople had escaped, mostly unharmed, and now were enjoying rebuilding their town while no longer under the oppressive rule of the former Master. Thranduil's army had taken a beating as well, not from the dragon, but from the orcs and goblins during the battle. Although Bilbo suspected that Thranduil and Thorin would never trust each other fully, they had set aside their differences in the aftermath of the battle to help one another bury their dead and dispose of the enemies' bodies together.

Thinking back on that day, Bilbo felt that familiar tug in his stomach, remembering that the dwarves had nearly lost their leader that day – that he had nearly lost his love. Bilbo remembered fighting, swinging Sting with all his might...

He was fighting for each breath, cutting down anything in his path, scrambling to stay alive. Bilbo finally found a mound of dead orcs to stand on, providing him a better angle to fight from and to see the rest of the battlefield. The dwarves were staying near one another, brothers and cousins fighting back-to-back, hacking and hewing down the endless waves of the enemy. And always, Bilbo kept Thorin in his line of sight.

The battle waged on for hours; Bilbo lost count of how many he slew, and if he were quite honest with himself, he never wanted to know how many fell under his sword that day. A shout from Thorin drew his eyes several hours through the battle and Bilbo ceased to breathe for a moment as he watched in quiet horror as Thorin fought against an Orc atop a Warg. Bilbo began running then, shoving, trying his hardest to break through the warring factions in an effort to reach Thorin. Bilbo felt ice lance down his spine as he watched in helpless dread as the enemy beat Thorin back into a defensive position. Though his little feet carried him as fast as they could, Bilbo did not reach Thorin in time.

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