Happy Accidents

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Credit to Fantasyinallforms


Dis has dragged Thorin to a plant and sip outing with her and the boys for their birthday. Thorin isn't any good with plants but reluctantly goes anyway and finds himself pleasantly enchanted by the shop's owner. His black thumb and wandering mind cause him to make a fool of himself, and it might just be the best thing that has ever happened to him.


Chapter One : Falling For You

There were many things you could say about Dis Durin. Chief among them was that she loved her boys with her entire being. She especially loved spoiling them whenever the occasion arrived, and this week there was an occasion. It was Fili and Kili's 11th birthday, and Dis had a small catalog in front of her filled with places she could take them. The boys sat on either side of her, eagerly throwing their opinions into the mix.

"Thorin! What do you think of this one?" Dis called to him as he walked inside from his shop. Thorin peered over the table to read what she was pointing at.

"Plant and sip? Isn't that where you build terrariums and sip on wine? You might be about ten years too early for that one, sis."

"They have non-alcoholic parties." Dis rolled her eyes. "What do you think, boys? You get to build a terrarium for a cactus or succulent." Yells of excitement flooded the house for the next few moments as Dis got a clear answer to her inquiry.

"Alright, we're going next Saturday at 2pm. Thorin, make sure you're free." Dis commanded matter of factly. Thorin put down the cup of water he was drinking to cock an eye at his sister.

"What makes you think I'm going? I have a black thumb. I'm good at building things, not growing them."

"It's not about being good at it! The boys want to spend more time with you. Do it for them" As if on queue Fili and Kili abandoned their excited conversation about cacti and rushed Thorin's legs.

"Please, uncle! Please, please, please! It's really hard to kill a cactus!" The boys refused to stop hopping around his legs until he eventually gave in.

"Fine! I'll go!" Thorin shouted, running his hands through his hair in defeat. He glared and rolled his eyes at the pleased self-satisfied smile Dis was now sporting.

A week later, he was pulling up to a barn-style building with a wooden sign hanging from it called 'The Sipping Plant. To the right of the building was a long greenhouse. It was a locally owned place, not a chain. That actually made Thorin a little happier. Being a small business owner himself, he understood the struggle. He waited for Dis to arrive, and they all walked in together. The inside had a distinctive boho vibe to it. The front seemed to be a store. There were shelves lined with pots, trinkets, and various plants. As well as some handcrafted wood-based items like birdhouses and pre-made planter kits. An older man wearing overalls and gardening gloves greeted them just inside.

"You must be the Durins! Go ahead and get settled in the back party room, and I'll direct your guests through as they come in. You're expecting 14 people total, correct?" The man asked.

"Yes, 14. Are you the owner?" Dis asked.

"Me? No, no. I just work here. Name is Hamfast Gamgee, but that's a mouthful, so you can call me Gaffer. Owner is Bilbo, and he'll be leading the terrarium building" Gaffer led them to the back room. Beds of plants lined walls, and wide tables with matching wooden benches sat in neat rows facing another table on a raised platform at the front of the room. The room had been decked out in balloons and ribbons, and the chalkboard at the front read 'Happy birthday, Fili and Kili!' in pretty loopy handwriting. Strung between 2 very tall cacti was a banner that said 'WELCOME.'

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