A Nearly Complete Puzzle

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Credit to Fantasyinallforms

pt.6 of AMUDP

     Thorin almost felt guilty at how quickly sleep took him. Guiltier, still that his dreams were sweet and lovely. He was dancing again, listening to the lilt of his One's voice as he led them across a dancefloor occupied by no one. When he woke, it was to a lesser reality, where he had yet to be reunited with the only thing he wanted. It was an increasingly frustrating feeling. Why must it be so difficult? It was not this way for any other dwarf whose partner knew them instantly upon touch. Thorin wrestled with the likely reality that while he felt the spark, his One being of a different race did not. That this deep-seated need and longing was entirely one-sided. Would he have to woo him? He would. He would do everything in his power to make his affections clear and known. He was a king, after all. Surely, that alone could grant him a passing interest. He was not someone who flaunted his titles and never had been, even as a crown prince, but if that title was worth anything, he would leverage it just to see those pretty green eyes on him again. He would grant his hobbit anything within his power to give, and the absurdity that he knew this without a shadow of a doubt despite barely having a single conversation with him was not lost on him.

Thorin didn't waste time once he was awake. He threw on discrete traveling clothes that would not draw attention and left his room without bothering to grab anything to eat. His stomach wouldn't settle anyway. He left his royal apartment and started walking towards the gate. If Dis and Dwalin were not already there, he would leave without them.

"I knew you'd be in a rush. Got up an hour early just so I didn't accidentally miss you." Dwalin stepped out from where he was leaning on the wall and matched his stride.

"Any news on our guest?" Thorin didn't have time for niceties. He needed to get straight to the point.

"Not even a hint. No one saw any movement or any evidence there was anyone out of place. Either he can turn himself invisible, or he's crafty. Couldn't have settled anywhere for long. Poor bugger probably didn't get any sleep." Dwalin didn't seem to mind the all-business attitude Thorin had adopted. The comment on his One's lack of sleep did worry him. His first night spent in my kingdom, and it's as a fugitive, he grumbled to himself. If he did have to woo his One, this was not the start he would have preferred. It did bring a complicated smile to his face to think of how clever his One would have to be to dodge a mountain full of soldiers all looking for him.

As they approached the gate, Dis came into view dressed in plain clothes usually associated with men, as most women did when they left the mountain. Not that most other races could tell the difference that well. Every dwarf shared similar traits of a broad form and facial hair.

"Don't tell me. You got up early, so I wouldn't run off without you." Thorin quipped as he walked past her.

"That shouldn't be surprising, big brother. I know you better than anyone in the mountain. It'll take a few hours to get down the mountain. We should arrive in Dale by mid-morning. We'll arrive faster if we take the rams." It had crossed his mind, but he wanted to be discreet, and the only ram they could take on such short notice would likely be the royal ones that all held his heraldry.

"Walking will not take too long. Let's go."

The sky was overcast and threatening to douse them all any minute as they walked. Thorin had little interest in idle chit-chat, so they walked in silence. They made it to the gates of Dale in just over two hours.

"Bofur said the inn's name was The Harper's Nest, east of the north gate." Dis was reading from a little square of parchment she had taken out of her coat. Thorin nodded and marched forward. He stopped when he heard Dwalin loudly and pointedly clear his throat.

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