The Tenderness of a King

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Fili and Kili out Bilbo as a virgin embarrassing him in front of the other dwarves. One dwarf intends to rectify the situation. Thorin/Bilbo fluffiness, First Time. Written for a prompt on the LJ Hobbit Kink Meme.

After many days of running, fighting off foes, eating little, and drinking even less Thorin's company had finally took time to rest. Ori had discovered a small clearing with hidden nooks and crannies that seemed made for bedrolls and sleeping dwarves. Camp was set up and though the destination of the dwarves was growing nearer with each passing day, Thorin had declared they take a few days to recuperate here, salvage supplies and simply relax. Each dwarf wholeheartedly agreed and one hobbit probably most of all.

Bilbo Baggins was not made for adventures, that much was clear. He enjoyed an unrushed walk through a garden as much as the next hobbit, but running and fighting, well he plain and simply was not cut out for it. Though he desperately wished to prove himself to the dwarves, one dwarf in particular, he knew it was virtually impossible. The dwarves teased him constantly of his weakness, and commented frequently on his unusual behaviour.

The dwarves had set up a fire and placed logs around it for sitting, while cooking up their first meal in several days. It didn't take long for ale to appear and everyone drank well and chatted merrily. Even the hobbit enjoyed the conversation and he listened intently to the dwarves' tales this night.

A few hours later, as the ale began to take effect, the conversations turned to sillier topics.

After a longwinded tale about one of Dwalin's conquests as a young dwarf Bilbo found himself longingly looking into the fire before him, a bit of a flush on his face. Fili, noticing the hobbit's somber attitude nudged his brother's side nodding towards the sight. They grinned at each other before starting to tease the hobbit once more.

"Say Bilbo," Fili questioned, "what's the best you've ever had?"

The hobbit, honestly confused by the question gave him a puzzled look in return.

"Best I've had? Best what?" Bilbo asked.

"Why the best lady of course! What else? Surely you must have lots of relations in the Shire," Kili pressed.

Bilbo finally understanding flushed right to his very ears, turning his attention immediately back to the fire. He stuttered a response,

"Wh-what? Don't be ridiculous, why would I talk about such things?"

"Don't tell me you're a virgin, Mr. Baggins?" Kili inquired grinning widely.

By now Bilbo was sure that not one spot on his body hadn't turned a bright flaming red. Needing to find something to do with his now trembling fingers he poked aggressively at the fire with a stick. What did it matter if he'd never been with another...intimately? Hobbits had more pressing matters to attend to, like eating five meals a day, and writing to relatives, organizing one's books even. And so he said as much.

"What does it matter if I am? I-I would much rather lay with another out of l-love than just a savage romp in bed. Hobbits, h-hobbits are much more dignified than to just sleep around," Bilbo stated in as steady a tone he could manage.

By now many of the dwarves were laughing and making a mockery of him of course, but he ignored the rest of their comments focusing all of his attention on keeping the flame of the fire alight while at the same time trying to lessen his still flushed face. After some moments Bilbo couldn't help but feel a strange sort of tingling. The kind one only felt when being watched. He glanced up at the dwarves, now discussing other things altogether. His eyes passed across the fire right into the intense gaze of Thorin Oakenshield. Bilbo's eyes widened slightly in shock. The dwarf king was watching him? But why? For what felt like minutes Thorin did not blink or glance away once but held Bilbo's eyes in a blazing stare.

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