Excellent Baby-Sitter Material Emsiecat

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Thought I'd give a prompt of alkjira's a try today: Primula and Drogo are in a car accident and an inexperienced Bilbo has to take care of Frodo whilst they recover. He sucks at it, Thorin helps. They're attracted to each other of course muahahaha!

I aplogise in advance. I know NOTHING of childcare or of babies and toddlers, so hope i didn't screw it up too badly.

Enjoy the fluff!

"Hand Frodo over to me, now!"

The voice was deep, angry, and vaguely threatening, and caused Bilbo to startle something awful as he held a fussing, whimpering Frodo as securely as possible in one arm, and a stuffed to capacity duffle bag in the other.

"I beg your pardon?" Bilbo fairly sputtered as he fumbled with the keys to Primula and Drogo's house; turning to face the owner of the voice, he made sure to tighten his grip on his cousins' son slightly.

"Take what possessions you have there, but leave the child be, I will not let you kidnap him."

Bilbo finally got a good look at the man addressing him and felt a sense of foreboding. He was much taller than Bilbo, solidly built, and had a menacing look about him as if he might try and take Frodo away by force if Bilbo did not comply.

It took a few moments of gawping and blinking and poor Frodo starting to cry again due to the cold night air and tense atmosphere surrounding him, but finally understanding began to dawn in Bilbo's mind.

"You think I'm a kidnapper? A- a burglar!?" Bilbo puffed up, wariness replaced with indignant anger. "How dare you, sir! This is my cousins' home and I'm here to look after Frodo."

"Your cousins?"

"Yes, yes Primula and Drogo Baggins are my cousins; I'm Bilbo Baggins, though I might very well ask just who you are. Why are you skulking outside my cousins' home at night and demanding that I give Frodo to you?"

The menacing glower from before was replaced by a much softer expression, though suspicion still tugged at the stranger's lips making him appear more grim than Bilbo was comfortable with.

"I'm Thorin," the man mumbled, and upon stepping into the porch light so that Bilbo could see him better, Bilbo had to admit he didn't look nearly so intimidating when his face was lined with gentle concern. "I'm a neighbour of your cousins... why are they not home?"

"You're Thorin?" Bilbo blinked in surprise. From Primula's delighted appraisals of the man to Bilbo on numerous occasions, he had not expected Thorin to look quite like this.

The Thorin she had mentioned was a soft and caring man, who loved to spoil his own nephews rotten, and now that they were both growing like weeds and more independent, he adored spending time looking after Frodo too when his neighbours asked.

Bilbo certainly had not expected a tall man with long unruly hair, a beard, and a general air of a biker gang member (complete with leather jacket) to be the same neighbour that his cousins spoke so fondly of.

"Yes," Thorin looked all at once rather embarrassed and rushed to explain himself. "Forgive me, I saw the porch light was on when I went to lock my garage for the night; Drogo never leaves it on... then I saw you on the doorstep with a large bag and Frodo in your arms and... well... I apologise I rather jumped to conclusions."

Bilbo felt the last of his ire melt away and he offered the man a hesitant, tired grin as he hushed Frodo. "No, it's fine; I can see why you would think the worst..."

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