Twenty-One- Bernadette

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 When Andy and Imani are in the office together doing God knows what, my first thought is to make sure there are no CCTVs. After a double-check, I realize there are none. I sprint, with the silence of a ninja, towards the desk. The book Imani was reading is titled, 'How to Embrace Mental Illness'. Interesting, I wonder what sickness she's going through.

What's funny is I remember Thabo mentioning my mother struggled through a certain type of mental illness and then during my Aneska days, she had wanted to tell me. After she helped me get rid of my father, she finally revealed it to me. Oh yeah, dementia. She developed symptoms earlier than I expected. The memory dawns on me like a flickering lightbulb.

I'm walking towards my mother's hospital after she accidentally burnt her hands in the kitchen preparing tea for me. I'm clutching her bandaged hand and leaning toward her face to whisper the words; 'You still owe me a favor.' I haven't gone to visit my mother for a long time. She's a faceless figure to me. Even when I look at her pictures in portraits and old albums, memorizing her face is quite a tedious task. I'll visit her one of these days. Despite the dementia, maybe she'll help me remember something that could link me with what happened before the accident.

I rummage through the desk, trying to find any hidden information I might be able to use to find her home. Or the email address she left on a note. Going through the big notebook, I run through page after page for anything, but they're all notes and times recorded. Shit. Frustration overwhelms my chest after I come up empty, I stamp my foot but remember I have to stay quiet. Whether Thabo is able to find the PI or not, it really doesn't matter to me. I have a gut feeling that I could find the missing puzzle pieces on my own.

At least, I'll have to come back and try later, so I take out my phone to snap a picture of the book, just in case Jabar or anyone might help me find the missing piece of the puzzle I'm hunting. The door to Andy's office cracks open, and I'm caught realizing I'm still standing out in the open.

Sweet Virgin Mary Jesus Joseph John Luke and David! I get on all fours and crouch like a spider. If they've spotted me, I'm history.

".... Andy, there's something I've wanted to get off my chest."

"I'm listening."

Oh, God! I'm lying on the floor, right in front of the desk. Should I do a sprint to the Fantasy books section on my right side, or the Biography section on the other side? Would I do it on time to avoid being caught? I start to hear drums pounding but I realize it's only my heartbeat racing to the maximum.

"It's about Krystal. She's been hostile towards me. I'm not comfortable."

Andy sighs as though he is expecting this question to come from his employee sooner rather than later. "What's she been doing?"

"Antagonizing me. Bringing false accusations about me. Just today, she tried to force me into admitting we were having an affair. Crazy, right?"

"Oh, come on. She can be so overdramatic sometimes, my wife."

When they both move to the Fantasy section, I do a quick, silent crawl to Biography. My heart skips a beat, but then I realize they're still in conversation.

"I don't know what I've done to give her this false impression, but she's clearly—"

"I know. I know," Andy says, cutting in. "You're not my wife's first victim, Imani." He scoffs. "How do you think I lost so many of my employees?"

"You mean she scared them all away?"

"Scared isn't the right word. She taunted them. She plays mind games with all the female clerks who work for me. She has this fear they might seduce me if they stay here for long. Typical Krystal behavior."

Imani shakes her head. "Oh dear. Any idea why she's so...clingy? I mean, you don't have to tell me if it's a very private-"

"Well, she caught me with another girl once. Back when we were teenagers. As crazy as it sounds, since then, Krystal has had trust issues with me. I—"

An Afrobeat song plays, and I realize it's Andy's phone's ringtone. When he answers, his face straightens. He signals for Imani to follow him as he steps outside. My heart springs upward when the duo exit the store, leaving it empty and lifeless. I spring towards Andy's office, the scent of stale coffee and notebooks filling my nostrils. On the wall, there are portraits of Andy, and other family and friends that look like they cared about him very much. Thank God at least I know what it feels like. A coffee machine looking like it was bought a day ago, perches the right corner of the room behind me. In order not to lose focus on the task, I hurry over to Andy's tidy desk so I don't get caught. The slightly-opened, two-framed window beside the desk gives me hope.

I go through drawers, praying to find any record of Imani's profile; I'm certain he'd done a minor background check on her or his former employees, wouldn't he? This is a small, private business, and he wouldn't want anyone jeopardizing it. Or at least he'd save her number somewhere. Or it could be on his laptop? She obviously has social media. Sweat trickling down my palms, I wave my gaze over to the photos. The woman standing and smiling next to him with her arm wrapped around his waist looks familiar. Of course, the rude lady I bumped into earlier. She must be Krystal. From all the things I've heard about her so far, she needs to seek therapy if she wants a long-lasting marriage. Walking closer, a glossy paper crinkles underneath my right foot. It's a photo that's been left broken from its frame; tiny glass particles surround it. It's Krystal, looking much younger and this time, with straight, bushy hair. Flipping it over, there's a number underneath her name, written in perfect calligraphy. Slight pressure eases off my shoulders in between a scoff and a huge grin.

I snap a photo of it, leave it at the exact position I found it, and crawl through the window, a dumpster supporting my legs when I make it outside. The office door budges open but I'm able to crouch down as fast as possible. As I bury my head down, it dawns on me I forgot to check for CCTV. Very sloppy, Bernadette. What if he catches me on the footage? He wouldn't be able to identify me anyway, could he? Strange smacking sounds fill my ear. Taking a quick peek, my eyes bulge at the unexpected scenery.

Andy and Imani are cuddling each other, engaging themselves in a hungry, passionate lip-lock. Imani's gripping and rubbing Andy's ass in the same way little boys play with basketballs. Tiny voices start whispering to me all at once. I could snap a photo of them to send to Krystal, expose Andy or I could simply leave. I'm sure I've never caught someone cheating in the act. The two lovebirds come up for air; the way they lock their gaze on each other makes my stomach churn.

"Krystal," Andy whispers. "She must not know about this. We have to make sure she doesn't find out."

Krystal brushes her fingers across her boss's curly hair and bites her lip. Her hand is still clutching his buttocks. "Mr... Andy. I've had feelings for you from day one. Please, understand I'm human. If you don't want this, I promise I'll stop right here. I'll even quit if I have to. All you have to do is say the words."

"No." Andy smashes his lips unto Imani's one more time. "You know what? Krystal can go to Hell for all I care. The real reason I don't wear my ring at work is because I don't like people associating me with her. Imani, I'd like to take you out sometime. What do you say?"

As she grins, I'm able to snap a quick shot of the duo. 

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