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I knock on the door three times. "Hello? It's alright. I'm...I'm coming. Be quiet, okay?"

There's complete silence in the room and now I'm guessing they know it's not Bernadette. I try to open, but then I remember she mentioned it being locked.

"Hold on! I'm coming!" I yell. Scanning around, I grab the metal rod hidden behind a flower pot and slam it against the handle. With much more effort, I'm able to break the handle. I shove the door by banging my shoulder against it for a couple of times. Despite the pain, I manage to break the door off one of its hinges. I hide the weapon behind my back once I'm in. My heart aches gazing upon the faces of Kaya and Richelle. Kaya's standing in front of his sister, arming himself with a huge Encyclopedia book, while Richelle cowers behind and holds him for support. Oh, my God. When I stare into their eyes, I see mine.

My own flesh and blood. I feel so at home with them now. How could I ever abandon them? I quickly notice their predicament. They've grown leaner compared to the photos I've seen of them. From Richelle's slim cheeks to Kaya's thin neck. I have to help them now. I meander toward them.

"Who are you?" Kaya asks me. What if they still think Bernadette is their mother? I don't know if Thabo hypnotized them to follow all her damning commands.

"I'm..." I pull out the photo I took from the kitchen and show it to them. Kaya reaches for it as though I'm handing a gun over to him to use. I watch as my son and daughter gaze into the photo and after a few minutes, they seem lost. Richelle bulges her eyes; eyes which resemble mine a lot, and stares at me with a tilted head. "I'm confused".

"I know," I reply, nodding. "I know. I'm as confused as you are. I'll explain everything as soon as we get out of here."

"Why do you look like our mom?" Kaya asks and my pulse races. My hatred for Bernadette intensifies for all the brainwashing she did to them.

"I am your mother," I reply with zeal in my voice. "You may not believe it now, but you are. The woman has lied to you for months. She's been impersonating me, and right now she plans to get rid of you. So, we have to go right now. Okay?"

They both nod. Without words, I grab their hands and pull them along. The first thing I want to do is fetch water bottles for them to drink. They could be dehydrating. Who knows how long Bernadette has starved th—

Somebody tackles my legs with the heel of a boot, causing me to tumble down the stairs. Kaya and Richelle's shrieks are the sounds I hear. I'm not fast enough to grab a baluster on the staircase to break my fall. I slam sideways onto the thick carpet but the impact winds me a bit. I'm lucky not to have snapped my neck. That would be a fatal problem I won't get out of. After stabbing Ivan and watching him fall down the stairs, now a woman who's stolen my life and identity watches me go down the same way. Kharma, you are a bitch after all.

My vision may be blurry, but the screams of my kids jerk me to reality. With effort, I lift my head up. Bernadette's slender figure grows clearer now. The knife held in one hand glistens near Kaya and Richelle, who are huddled together. The rage inside forces me to sit up despite the pain I'm feeling. I swear I think I might have snapped one of my legs in the fall because the pain throbs like wildfire. Only one of us is going to leave this house alive. If this impersonator truly wants a peaceful life, I'll give her a peaceful death.

"This is your last chance!" Bernadette growls. "Hand over the recording so I can destroy it, and you'll walk out with your kids. I won't make any more deals after this."

Oh, you certainly won't. The only deal you'll be making will be in Hell. "Please. Let...let them go. I'll..." I try to crawl to the stairs, but my broken leg throbs when I even do it. "I'll do it. Leave them.... alone."

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