Chapter 1

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Nirvanas POV.

The University of Oxford is one of the most prestigious universities in the world, one myself and my sister are told we are ever so lucky to attend, yet I feel as if I am within a living hell of the rich and disastrously elite. Each day is a new awakening of no matter how smart and polite you may be you are dirt to those who see themselves as above you. The ones who have never had to work for anything a day in their lives seem to think the hardworking are scum even if you are in the same place as them and by god Oxford proves this. Each day I am reminded of how lucky I am to be among the wealthy but deep down I want this place to burn to ashes.

I sat within the dorm my sister and I share as I looked at the wooden panelled walls which surrounded us, a new purple carpet covering the floor, many lines atop it from pieces of furniture being dragged over it. The small window in the centre of the room gave us all of the daylight we needed as it was sitting ever so slightly open, allowing the cigarette smoke to escape and be replaced with fresh air. A bed ran along either side of the room, both with a desk at the bottom of it, my sister inhabiting one at the moment as she wrote her disertation on her fine art course, a cup of freezing cold vanilla milkshake in a tall glass next to her as I felt as if I was dying from the heat within the room, daydreaming about stealing it from her.

I sighed before sitting on my small single bed which was covered in a thin grey sheet before crossing my legs as I picked up my violin which was sitting next to me, placing it on my shoulder, my chin holding it in place before I began to play once again, doing anything I could to kill the boredom I was feeling as my sister Feyre concentrated on her exam preparation, not wanting me to disturb her as she had told me many times this morning. As I played the all too familiar tune of thriller by Michael Jackson I looked at the fine line paining my sister had began to create earlier in the day, the swirls of the acrylic paint creating a story to the tune I was playing before I shut my eyes, allowing the music to take over once more.

I finished playing the song before looking at my sister whom was still focusing deeply on her written paper, her hair hitting her shoulders as the deep emerald roots flowed into the sparkling white as it covered her face before her dainty fingers placed the lengths behind her ear, her black nails getting caught ever so slightly as I watched her roll her eyes, sighing before looking at the shelves on her desk in front of her. I smirked slightly as I watched her rub her eyes, the long thick lashes she had appearing to annoy her before she turned her head slightly to look at me, her dark brown eyes locking onto me before she began to narrow them, clearly annoyed at my amusement as I couldn't help but laugh even more, especially when I noticed the light blue paint which was covering her pale white skin, it sitting across her now slightly red cheeks and over her small button nose.

"What?!" she asked angrily as I shrugged before standing up once more, looking at the mirror which sat on the open door of my mahogany cupboard which sat narrowly at the side of my bed, fixing my straight black hair so it was neatly falling to my waist once more instead of it all being pulled over one of my narrow shoulders. I stared at my bleak reflection as it stared back at me, my green eyes looking as miserable as ever as my long dark lashes brought out the tiredness which surrounded them. My nose is also a small button frame as it sits in the center of my face, a thin silver hoop on the right side and a small tight silver hoop sitting neatly in my septum. My lips are plump and have a deep cupids bow, my chubby cheeks framing them even more, and my sharp jawline contrasting from my baby faced look. I sighed before picking up one of my lighters from the cupboard, pulling the pack from my black skinny jeans pocket before sitting on the windowsill as I looked outside once more as all of the posh members of the universities walked around in groups like packs of wolves.

"I hate that you smoke" Feyre muttered as she walked over to my mirror, knowing there was likely something on her face now. She grabbed a packet of baby wipes as she began to clean off the baby blue shade as I took yet another inhale of my cigarette, feeling the anger leave my body with each inhale. I watched as Feyre scrubbed at her skin before saying "You don't seem to bother when Cornelius does" knowing that I would get a reaction form her. I watched contently as she stopped wiping instantly, her eyes slowly moving as they focused on me as I couldn't help but smirk, taking yet another inhale before blowing it in her direction as she threw her arms down, the blue stained wipe hanging freely as it swayed from the dramatic motion.

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