Chapter 3

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Nirvanas POV.

Feyre and I walked out of the entrance to Oxford hand in hand as we held them in the air like many others surrounding us. The roaring applause and cheers of the people outside began to flood my senses making reality sink in. Feyre and I had a diploma in our free hand, both of us had graduated our first year with flying colours which was a huge relief. Some families had decided to set off confetti canons as it fluttered in the air, surrounding all of the graduates as they scanned the crowd for their own family. Feyre and I didn't even attempt to look, we knew for a fact that the two who raised us would not be there to support us. We walked past the large crowd as we followed the small groups of people whom were already grabbing their complementary glass of prosecco as they headed to the dorms to get ready for the graduation party which occurred tonight before the University of Oxford shut for the summer.

I took my glass of prosecco before sitting on a free bench as I pulled my packet of cigarettes from my graduation robe pocket as Feyre approached me, taking a seat next to me as we watched all of the happy families celebrating. "Oh look, Felix is hugging Oliver" Feyre spied the pair as my eyes instantly landed on them, the height difference instantly drawing my eyes to the men. "I wonder if he will try to fuck you to congratulate you for graduating your first year" Feyre joked as I almost choked on the inhale of my cigarette from the sheer shock. "Fucks sake, Feyre! You can't say that! God knows you know my answer even if he did" I laughed slightly as Feyre joined me, both of us still watching the two men who were still celebrating.

The evening seemed like a fever dream as we got ready for the last party and night at Oxford. I stared in our rooms mirror as I adjusted my black dress which was tight over my cleavage and waist until it flared ever so slightly, the black lace flowing freely over my upper thighs. I sat on my bed as I began to tie the straps of the black heels over my legs, the bows of the ribbon being tied just under my knees. I glanced up through my long fake eyelashes as I noticed Feyre struggling to zip her dress as she now looked in the mirror, her concern filled eyes covered in an emerald eyeshadow which matched the roots of her green and white hair beautifully. I stood from my bed as I walked behind her, taking a hold of the zip as I noticed her relax before I pulled it up, tightening the green and white dress upon her body as I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

"What?!" Feyre asked in an annoyed tone as I peered over her shoulder to look at the reflection of her in the mirror. "Your boobs never cease to amaze me with how big they can be when you are seeing Cory" I semi joked as Feyre's jaw dropped in disbelief of my comment before turning around muttering "You are just jealous they are bigger than yours" as I nodded in agreement with her statement, she wasn't wrong. Feyre was a slender built woman yet she had a massive chest, her waist tiny giving her a beautiful hourglass figure, but she still had a petite frame. I however had a petite frame to my waist, my boobs a few sizes smaller than my sisters but still a fair handful, my waist tiny but my hips wide, as well as my thighs being thick and my bottom large causing me to look less perfectly proportioned unlike my sister.

After Feyre helped me with my silver necklace after I helped her with her own gold one before we began the small walk to the halls in which the graduation party was being contained. Both of us laughed the whole way there, already tipsy, Feyre judging me for my heels as we walked over the grass and cobbled stone path and even I questioned why the hell I wore them. Both of us had a bottle of vodka in our hand as we took sips while we walked over the small bridge which was on the outskirts of the building. I looked ahead as the sun was beginning to set, the strobe lights clear as I could hear the celebration from within as we got closer. I listened to the joy in the distance as I began to feel a sense of excitement for once as I knew this night may be one to remember.

I stood with Feyre outside as the inside of the building was so full of people it was beginning to resemble a cattle market, luckily there was a bar on the outside as well as the small one they had inside. "Can you give me a lemonade?" I asked the bartender as they asked me if I wanted a glass or can in which I placed my vodka bottle upon the table and asked them to fill the bottle to the brim from the half full condition it was now in as they chuckled before doing as I asked, the daylight now completely gone as the moonlight began to be the main source of light along with tea lights which were on tables and tall street lights which had hanging floral baskets. As soon as they topped up my litre bottle I walked back to my sister whom was sitting at a small table with her now also refilled bottle of vodka, people crowding around the table as I could tell she was getting annoyed with the students who were bumping into her.

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