Chapter 7

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Nirvanas POV.

I felt like I had slept for an eternity before I was rudely awakened once more by Farleigh as the male barged into my room, stomping on the hard floor before leaping onto my bed causing me to bounce up and down from the momentum. I groaned before sitting up, rubbing my eyes as I did so before focusing on the male who looked at me eagerly. "Farleigh, one day a titty is going to be hanging out and it is your own fault if you see it!" I warned him before chuckling as he rolled his eyes, a small smile on his face before he moved closer to me, his eyes filled with excitement as I knew he had gossip to tell me and from how he was acting it was life-changing information.

"Seeing a titty would not be a problem for me, darling. Especially when I have something this important to tell you" his grin became apparent as I felt butterflies flutter in my stomach, nervous about the news I was going to be told. "What is it?!" I asked eagerly, no louder than a whisper as Farleigh moved even closer before looking around my room as if I had hidden people in the corners just to catch out his gossiping antics. "Well, last night after your showdown with Cory I went to my room, had a shower and got comfortable like I always do but as night fell I felt a little bored so I grabbed my book and read it at my window, admiring the moonlight and stars as I read" Farleigh explained as I began to become impatient.

"So your night routine is what you are just so excited to tell me that you woke me up at eight in the morning?!" I ranted as Farleigh sighed, tilting his head as he looked annoyed. "Babe, if you would just be patient I was getting there" his tone was full of sass before I motioned for him to continue with my hand, a small smile on my face. "Well, I was getting bored so I looked out of the window once more, shadows catching my eye. That is when I noticed Oliver and Venetia" he stopped suddenly as I screwed up my face with confusion as one thousand different theories ran through my mind. "Were they smoking?" I asked as Farleigh's eyes lit up before he began to laugh. "No babe, they weren't smoking. They were... eating" he dragged out his tale even more as I became more confused. In an estate like Saltburn, why on earth would they be outside at night to eat?

"What do you mean, Farleigh?" I questioned him as he smirked before leaning into me, his eyes staring into my soul as I moved back ever so slightly. "Well, they were eating each other... Both of them were really going at it and then Oliver went down-" "WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled interrupting the male before I placed my hand over my mouth realising I was a little bit louder than I should have been. I looked around the room as I made sure no one else had managed to break into the room before looking at Farleigh once more whilst he laughed to himself from the reaction of my shock as I placed my hand on his arm, climbing out of the covers as I looked at him eagerly before demanding that he told me everything he saw to the most minute detail. This was far superior to any movie or reality TV show I had ever watched in my whole nineteen years on this planet.

Farleigh left to head to breakfast after he had explained all of the grim details of the night before, leaving me to get dressed as I rushed, knowing I needed to witness all of the tension first-hand. I pulled on a long knitted grey sweater, tying a lace bow around my waist to cause it to flair, a pair of heeled boots covering my feet and stopping at my ankles, allowing my tattooed leg sleeve which contained portraits of my favourite horror characters to show. I brushed my hair hastily, my long beach curls cascading over my upper body before leaving my room. I shut my door behind me, noticing Feyre and Cory standing in the hall as the blond male flicked his curls from his face before glancing at me as he drew me daggers. If looks could kill I would have been dead in an instant. I smiled softly at my sister who smiled back before nudging the man in front of her who sighed before muttering something inaudible to me, even with the small distance between us. "Was I to hear that?" I asked, walking closer to the pair as Cory sighed before finally turning towards me. "I said I am sorry for yesterday" he apologised reluctantly as I nodded in acceptance, knowing that was the best I would receive from him, even if I witnessed my sister forcing him to do so.

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