Chapter 4

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Nirvanas POV.

My hands had a firm grip on the steering wheel as I scanned the road in front, the music on the radio seemed to be in the distance as I could feel my anxiety reach an all-time high. I swiftly glanced at my sister who was looking out of the window at the passing scenery as we arrived at the Catton's estate, Saltburn. I parked the car in front of what looked like a farm gate, made of black painted iron. There was a small path to the then more regal gates, also made of iron but now silver, what looked like a family crest above it, large light grey stone pillars at either side and then one roughly every two meters or so holding up the gate which surrounded the grand almost castle-like building. I picked up my black case, the only difference between mine and my sisters was mine had a red tag upon it, and my sister had green. I followed behind Feyre as we walked down the paths and then through the grand gate before approaching the front door of the estate, a butler already standing in the doorway.

Feyre and I were swiftly brought inside as we noticed Oliver standing with his case. I softly smiled at him as he looked terrified, taking in all of the details of the exquisite room he was standing in. "Duncan! I hope you are not scaring our guests!" The familiar voice of Felix boomed as I felt my body tense as I realised my sister had truly trapped me in my idea of living hell. Felix approached us quickly as he placed his arm around Oliver who seemed to calm instantly before he smiled at my sister and then his eyes landed on me. I stared back at his dark as coal eyes as he stared at me, a slight glisten within the dark orbs before a smirk crawled onto his lips which he quickly tried to wipe away with a fake cough before he turned and began to give us the grand tour of Saltburn.

As we departed from Duncan I looked back to see him examining the three pieces of 'poor' scum which had entered his premises as if he was sketching us into his mind so he knows what to tell the police if they were ever needed. We walked along the black and white tiled floor room as I watched Felix release Oliver before he fell back from the small group and now stood next to me. "I heard you were also arriving but couldn't believe you actually would" he muttered as he remained facing forward as I gazed up at him, awaiting at least a small amount of eye contact but he seemed determined to not let me have the satisfaction. "Is it an issue, Felix?" I asked as he remained staring forward, allowing us to know there was a red staircase to our right before we had to walk up a small amount of stairs. "No, more of an honour" he smiled slightly as I rolled my eyes before he ran to the front of the group once more.

"Accidentally fingered my cousin here" Felix continued the tour as he spun to see all of our reactions and I could not help but chuckle at him, much to my dismay and my sisters disgust. He showed us another few rooms, one of which he caused Feyre to look at me in horror as he claimed his Dead Granny possessed it. The labyrinth of rooms seemed never ending until we walked into a lighter room which was known as the long gallery, Felix pointing out "Dead rellies" and his father's teddy as my eyes wandered the room, admiring in awe before I looked back at Felix whose white shirt was near see through, the silhouette of his toned body showing through from the sunlight which was peering through the thin material. I peeped out of the window as I admired the large maze before we turned to the left once more as Felix began to show us his room, the shared bathroom of him and Oliver and Oliver's room.

After Oliver seemed settled into his five-star room Felix walked Feyre and I to our rooms which were at the opposite wing of the house. Our rooms had a similar set-up to Felix and Oliver's, a door to each room from the hall but the joint bathroom was inaccessible unless you were in one of the corresponding rooms. Our rooms were much the same as Felix and Oliver's yet mine had a black four-post bed while Feyre's was white. I sat upon the large bed as I bounced once or twice from the force I had thrown myself down in Feyre joining me, Felix standing in the doorway to the hall as he held onto the door frame as I couldn't help but stare at him. "Are you happy with your rooms?" he asked, I could only nod in response as Feyre replied "They are magnificent, thank you" to which he nodded before focusing on me once more.

Summertime Sadness // SaltburnWhere stories live. Discover now