Chapter 10

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Nirvanas POV.

To Nirvana,

Meet us in the Wild Garden.

Felix x

I held the small note which had been slid under my door ten minutes earlier in my hand as I admired Felix's delicate writing. I thought for a moment as I tried to imagine what we were going to be doing today in this whirlwind of a summer. As I was deep in thought I heard a small knock at my bathroom door, standing to unlock it revealing my sister who held a small piece of paper around the same size as the one I held. "Wild garden?" she asked without as much as a Hello as I laughed before walking back to my bed as I crossed my legs, my sister leaning against my large set of drawers which I had ransacked a few moments earlier for my current outfit which consisted of a black summer dress which was made of a thin lace material, a matching black lace plunge bra and thong set underneath, an oversized black frill kimono lying on the bed next to me ready for me to pop on before I left.

"Is your note just as vague?" I questioned as I showed her my own, scanning her outfit which consisted of black loose-fitting mid-thigh length shorts, a loose vest top which was tucked into the shorts and a khaki long oversized cardigan covering her. Feyre nodded to reply, showing me her note as I noticed hers had "Love" in front of Cory's name, the only other change apart from the obvious name change at the top. "What do you think they have planned?" I glanced out of the window to look at the walled area which contained tall grass and beautiful wildflowers, not that I could see much of the inside from the window. "Maybe we should go and find out?" she spoke in an optimistic tone as I smiled in agreement before we began to leave the room, on our grand quest to find them in the large overgrown garden where god knows what is awaiting us.

We reached the large garden ten minutes later, having a quick detour earlier to see Elspeth who gave us both a bottle of alcohol to bring with us. "Where the hell are they?" I muttered, beginning to grow annoyed as we scanned each area, not seeing a single source of human life before we heard the distant sound of music, knowing they could no longer be overly far away. The walk was not too long as we followed the music whilst it became clearer and clearer before we eventually heard the voices of the people we had been living with, all of them laughing and singing along to the music. "Fucking finally" I whispered to my sister who laughed as I felt relief I no longer had to search this nettle-filled garden to find them all as there were now five heads peeping over a slight clearing in the tall grass. "Hi Felix, Oliver, Cory, Venetia-"

"FARLEIGH! YOU ARE BACK!" I screamed as I noticed him cheekily smile over at me shouting "I'm not back, hence why we are hiding here, babe!" before I noticed something much, much more shocking. "Are you all fucking NAKED?" I yelled as I looked at them all, Felix and Oliver sitting at my left, a large distance from the other three, Venetia in the middle of the field, Cory a large distance from her as he and Farleigh sat at the far right. Each one of them giggled at my delayed reaction. "No clothing allowed in the field!" Farleigh instructed as I looked at my sister who seemed like she was about to sprint back to her room. "Are you seriously going to do this?" she asked, her eyes widening as I began to pull off my kimono. "We both know I was barely clothed anyway, besides, with the amount of times you have had to help me change while I have been drunk or walked in on me, it isn't exactly something you haven't seen before..." I softly laughed, beginning the peel off the rest of my clothing as the gentle summer breeze flowed over my skin, feeling liberating.

I threw the clothing into a small pile before turning to my sister who was still standing hesitantly. "I can't do this. Maybe I can grab some of those doc leaves to cover myself?" she began to ramble, picking one from the ground as I rolled my eyes before placing my hands upon her shoulders, her eyes fixated on my face as she didn't dare to look down. "Oh, my darling sister... Those have no chance of covering your chest they are a tad too small. What if you strip to your cardigan? That way you are taking part and we can say you are cold. I am sure Cory will stand up for whatever you want to do" I comforted her before picking my kimono back up, lacing it behind my back as I held it in my hands, my arms spanning as far as they could as I covered her as she undressed, making sure she was as comfortable as she possibly could be in that moment. It is not like this is an everyday occurrence.

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