Chapter 9

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Nirvanas POV.

I began to wake up naturally, the light peering through the white sheets of the fort as I realised the maids must have opened the curtains earlier, not that I heard them. I remained still as I allowed myself to adjust, the warmth of the blankets and pillows made me want to fall back asleep before I felt a weight upon my hip. I moved my arm slowly as I checked what it was, noticing it was Felix's arm. As soon as I touched his soft skin he began to wake, a small groan escaping his lips before he tightened his grip on me, pulling me closer as his body pressed tightly against my back. I felt a smile creep onto my face, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world before I suddenly became distracted from the warm feeling within. I noticed a few shadows casting over the white material the fort was made from as I realised someone else was there.

I didn't even have time to turn over before I felt a weight upon me everyone yelling "SURPRISE!" as they flooded in, landing on top of Felix and myself. I laughed while Feyre fell from atop me to next to me as she faced me with a cheeky grin before wiggling her eyebrows. I jokingly hit her before turning over as Oliver seemed to fall from the heavens, landing on top of both myself and Felix. I couldn't help but laugh as the male next to me groaned. "Do you mind?" I asked through the laughter as Oliver shook his head, remaining firmly in her place as I managed to roll onto my back, now noticing Venetia lying next to Felix who looked like he was trying to pretend this was all an awful dream. Cory sat at the fort's entrance as he laughed at my sister who was reaching for the packets of sweets behind me, trying to be as discreet as she could be through the hilarity.

"Looks like we missed a good movie night" Venetia smirked at her brother who was now sitting up, Oliver falling in between myself and Felix slightly, his legs now across my body as his upper body lay across Felix's thighs. Oliver looked me up and down before giving me a small almost fake-looking smile as I smiled back, curious as to why he seemed to be annoyed, maybe Venetia was not a good lay the night before... "It would have been much better without the awakening" Felix groaned replying to his sister before he ran his hand through his hair. I watched in awe before noticing my sister moving to be in my peripheral vision, beginning to smirk at me as I tried to avoid all eye contact. I finally sat up as I laughed at Feyre and Oliver who had begun to throw sweets at each other before throwing some at Cory as he caught them in his mouth, a proud expression upon his face as he ate the chocolate buttons before he crawled further into the fort.

We all laughed, conversing about the craftmanship of the fort as Felix's ego began to return causing me to roll my eyes as I noticed Oliver hadn't taken his eyes off of me. I felt slightly uncomfortable as I turned to speak to Feyre and Cory before I noticed a new face at the opening of the fort, Lady Elspeth. "Aw this is just so sweet, I need a photo!" she chimed before swaying her hand as she gestured we all moved closer to each other, a new Polaroid camera swinging from a strap around her neck. Feyre and Cory lay on my right, Feyre in between the man's legs as they both beamed a bright smile, Cory's arms tightly wrapped around her. Venetia had climbed onto the sofa behind us she lay on her side, acting like she was being pained by Jack Dawson from Titanic. Oliver remained in the same position as he smiled cheekily. I remained where I was sitting as I smiled softly before I felt Felix's arm slither behind me, proceeding to pull me closer to him as I rested my head on his shoulder, now smiling brightly as Elspeth took a few photos one by one, all of us laughing as we painstakingly tried to keep the same position.

"You need to have this one Darling, you are absolutely gorgeous in it" Elspeth shook the photo in her hand as I smiled awkwardly, always hating when she complimented me as I never knew how to react. I looked at Felix for comfort, shocked to see he was already facing me as he looked almost mesmerised by me before he smiled shyly, his dimples showing deeply, then instantly looking away as he blushed, realising he had been caught as I couldn't help but chuckle. Elspeth suddenly held out her arm as she handed me the Polaroid. I smiled before taking it from her hand. I looked at the image causing me to feel sentimental, all of us captured in this moment of blissful happiness, even Venetia faking it. The image warmed my heart until I noticed one crucial feature was missing. I looked around as I scanned everyone before facing Elspeth again, a shocked expression before I muttered "Where is Farleigh?" feeling awful that I had only now realised he was not there.

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