Chapter 8

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Cory's POV.

I stood in my bathroom, looking at my reflection in the mirror after washing my face as I fondly remembered the memories of the night before, my hangover not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. I felt the night had been a perfect one, I got to spend it with all whom I held close to my heart, the main one being Feyre who was my light in the darkness. Feyre is a very important person in my life, one I want to keep and cherish forever. The feeling of her in my arms as we danced seemed like it was never going to leave as I replayed the memory constantly, her smile lighting up every darkness of my world as I gazed down at her, wanting nothing more than to kiss her as I pulled her in closer, our body pieced together like a jigsaw. Still, I did not want to move too quickly or scare her. I want to woo her to the ends of the earth, make her fall in love with me to the point that I was her every thought, all that she wanted in life. I want her to fall asleep thinking of me and wake up thinking of me. I want her to be mine and mine only.

I walked back to my room and sat on my bed, the light shining on the empty area next to me as I looked at the shining gold cotton sheets as I imagined her naked body clad in the thin sheets as she awaited me. My hands drifting over her soft skin as she whimpered at my very touch, begging for me to fuck her. No. I can't think like that. I do not want to scare her off. I cannot show her how possessive I am, how I want her to devote herself to me. Not yet. My possessiveness has been one of the main things I have been combating since I met Feyre. I struggled with it daily. Another of my obstacles is needing to tolerate Nirvana and her need to annoy me, but on the plus side last night was the first time I did not feel a burning dislike for her, in fact, I felt we could maybe bury the hatchet and become civil, maybe even friends in the future. Not that I wanted to, I like to keep my circle small, not giving myself the chance to be deceived and hurt by people but I know she is important to Feyre and thereby she is important to me.

Everything seemed to be falling into place as I began to smile staring at the empty space once more before sighing as I realised I needed to keep my fantasies to myself for another day before I stood up, walking to my door and out of my room. I quietly shut the door behind me knowing it was only 8 am before I walked through Saltburn and then outside as I had my daily morning walk to clear my head. I walked around the grounds before I heard the scratching of a lighter being used. I turned around quickly, curious as to who it could be. I felt anger bubble within as my eyes landed on the female. "Why her?!" she snapped at me as I glanced at the windows above her seat noticing they were Feyre and Nirvana's rooms, both sets of curtains closed as I shook my head in annoyance before grabbing her arm and dragging her behind me, pulling her around the building so she was away from any prying eyes. "Venetia, you are still drunk and I have warned you about this shit! It is eight in the fucking morning and you were sitting outside of Feyre's window like a fucking sick stalker! Cut it out!" I yelled at the female as the blonde smirked, loving the fact she was getting even the smallest glimmer of attention from me.

"Why her, Cory? She is poor scum! She is beneath us, Cory! Last night I watched you two, so close and happy and I tolerated it but then this morning Felix informed me we are all doing our own things today as both of you are entertaining those fucking Mercer sisters and it has DISGUSTED me. I have always been here, waiting for you to finally come to your senses and instead, you bring someone so inferior to my home! I have loved you for years Cory, laying myself on a fucking platter for you. Craving you to do as much as fucking touch me. Yet all you seem to want is her. She is fucking dis-" I took hold of the neck of Venetia's loose jumper as I pulled her closer to me, her eyes widening as I looked at the female with an expression of disgust before letting out a small chuckle, satisfied from her frightened reaction before I released her, pushing her away as she stumbled slightly before falling to the grass beneath her. Venetia looked up at me in shock before I crouched down, making sure I was at her low-life level as her eyes widened once more.

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