Chapter 2

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Nirvanas POV.

The light shone through the thin curtains which covered the windows of the dorm as I started to toss and turn, groaning with despair as I did so. I looked across the room at my sister whom was fast asleep still, a large board at the side of her bed to stop the light from hitting her face as she rested peacefully and I felt jealous of her genius. I sat up slowly, making sure not to make too much noise before picking up my phone as I noticed the time was now 12pm. Maybe Feyre and I should not have drank that large bottle of vodka last night as we listened to the likes of Paramore, 30 Seconds to Mars and Fall Out Boy, singing our hearts out, much to the likely dismay of our neighbours, luckily the walls are thick enough they shouldn't have heard too much.

I tiptoed to my wardrobe as I picked up a large black hoodie to pull over my body, thigh high socks covering my legs as I glanced out of the window to see the courtyard was not too busy. I picked up my packet of cigarettes and white lighter before I began to walk to the dorm room door, opening it slowly so it did not creak enough to wake up Feyre. I began to walk down the long dim halls as quickly as I could as I could hear all of the chatter from the common room, causing me to dart past the door to avoid it before making my way outside. I walked a little further from the door as I noticed a small ledge as I took a seat upon it, lighting my cigarette as quickly as I could as I felt the tension in my head ease slightly while the summer breeze flowed over my bare thighs.

"Well, don't you look like death warmed up?" I heard the familiar snarky voice of Farleigh as I turned to look at him, his hair bouncing as he walked towards me, Felix following behind. "May have drank a tad more than I should have" I smiled slightly before taking another inhale of my cigarette, Farleigh now sitting next to me as Felix stood next to him. I manoeuvred myself to be facing Farleigh as he lit his own cigarette. "You know the only way to make yourself feel better, don't you?" Farleigh asked as he nudged me slightly, his dark eyes inspecting me as I noticed a cheeky smile creep upon his face. "Your answer to solving problems is sucking dick or drinking more so I will assume it is one of them" I chuckled as Farleigh placed his hand on my leg, his soft skin warm, contrasting from the cold breeze which had been flowing over my skin earlier.

"You know me too well, Mercer" Farleigh's hand squeezed my thigh as I rolled my eyes before glancing up at Felix whom was staring at me intently before looking at the grip Farleigh had on my thigh as I could not help but wonder what was going through the mans head. Most likely that someone with a lineage like Farleigh should not be touching someone like myself. "So, are you going to join me in the pub, I will buy your first drink" Farleigh continued as I instantly looked at the male who was already fixated on me, his eyes sparkling in the sunlight before a cheeky smile once again appeared on his face, his slightly chubby cheeks seeming to bloom as I couldn't help but admire his beauty for a moment. Farleigh is most definitely an asshole and an opinionated one at that but his handsome looks allowed him to get away with a lot at Oxford, especially with the lecturers he had sucked off over the years.

"Am I not a bit poor to be associated with you?" I raised my eyebrow at Farleigh who sighed before tilting his head to the side, his eyes falling on his hand which was now just resting on my thigh before he looked back into my eyes. "I may be a dick to those with... Less. But you are my one exception because you are genuinely my friend, especially since you slapped the Redpath girl, that was a power move all of the rich girls here wish they had" Farleigh began to laugh as both of us remembered the first day of the semester and my first day of fighting within Oxford. "Wait, you are the one who slapped Olivia?" Felix's voice broke the hilarity as I looked at him with a semi annoyed expression since he ruined the moment, Farleigh turning to him dramatically. "Yes bitch, Nirvana slapped her back to her daddy's Mansion. It was hilarious and all because she pushed Nirvana into the one and only" Farleigh gestured to himself as Felix widened his eyes to look at me as I shrugged, still proud of what I did.

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