Chapter 5

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Nirvanas POV.

I groaned as I placed my forearm over my face, the light breaking through the small crack between the thick curtains which covered the extraordinary windows of Saltburn. "Time to get up" Feyre instructed from the doorway to the connecting bathroom as I instantly regretted not locking it the night before. "Ten more minutes" I tried to debate as Feyre's sigh was heard from the large distance between us. "No more time in bed, Nirvana. Everyone is up, Cory is waiting on us outside" she explained before I heard the door shut quietly as she walked back to her room. My thoughts began to adjust into ones that were well constructed considering I had just awoken and that is when my heart suddenly dropped to my stomach, causing me to sit up, trying to catch my breath and stop the panic from setting in.

I quickly ran to the beautiful oak drawers which sat next to the door of the bathroom as I grabbed a pair of black cuffed jogging bottoms, black matching underwear, and black off the shoulder cord top. I ran into the bathroom knowing Feyre would have locked the door if she was in there before I quickly locked her door. I brushed my teeth while placing on my underwear before leaping into the cotton bottoms. I stood in my bra and joggers as I finished brushing my teeth, spitting into the sink before realising it was probably best if I washed my face. I tied my hair in a high ponytail to keep it away from my face as I washed it in a rush before pulling my top over my head as soon as I had finished drying my face, tucking it into the tight jogging bottoms before running back to my room, pulling on a pair of white converse as I prepared for what the morning was going to bring.

I practically ran out of my room, shutting the door calmly behind me as soon as I noticed Feyre and Cory were still standing in the hall waiting on me. "What is wrong with you?" Cory asked seemingly concerned as I furrowed my brow before shrugging as if he was the one who had picked it up wrong "I was a bit worried I was keeping you both too long" I lied as he seemed to fall for it, Feyre however did not seem as convinced. We walked the short journey to the dining room once more as I noticed everyone was already sitting, making me cringe internally, I could not help but feel awkward as they all watched us take our seats, all of us in the same order as we were the night before.

I looked at the table and I noticed an empty plate, Duncan lingering over Cory as he told him the type of eggs he would like. "How does this work exactly?" I asked Oliver who sat to my right as he chucked slightly before his blue eyes scanned me up and down as he tried to figure out if I was being sarcastic or not. "Well, you tell them your egg order and then help yourself to what you would like. I was just informed around five minutes before you all got here" he explained as I noticed his cheeks began to tint with a pink tone before he looked across at Felix who looked like he was holding in a laugh before he picked up a piece of toast and took a bite. "Make a cunt of yourself did you?" I asked as Oliver nodded in response before a waiter thumped a plate in front of him with eggs that looked very overdone, apparently the last time they were too runny much to the embarrassment of Oliver when he had to awkwardly ask for them to be fixed.

My poached egg arrived as I began to feel nervous, knowing I was to collect what I wanted as everyone watched. I sat for a moment before turning as my sister stood up, Cory placing his hand on the small of her back as he guided her to the large table behind us. I watched as they used tongs to pick what they would like yet I still could not find the motivation to go myself. "Do you need help?" I looked at Oliver who was now eating before noticing Felix staring at me as I realised it was him who had spoken. "Maybe a little" I shyly spoke as he smiled softly before standing from his chair and walking to my side of the table as I clambered up to my feet, observing the rest of the table as I did so, only really noticing Farleigh as he gave me a cocky grin.

Felix walked with me to the buffet table as Feyre and Cory began to leave it, making their way back to the table. "So what would you like?" Felix asked as he looked at me with eyes which almost had a caring tone as I looked at the different arrays of meats, pastries and fruit. "I am going to be honest with you Felix, I have no clue. We just had two cereals to pick from and that was it" I stood in amazement as I looked at all of the choices Felix began to laugh before he placed his arm around my shoulders. "Well, here you can have whatever appeals to you" he partially whispered as I didn't know whether to roll my eyes or blush ever so slightly at the husk which was within his voice. "Just need to see what takes my fancy then, huh?" I smiled at him before walking closer to the table and beginning to fill my plate with items which looked familiar.

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