Chapter 6

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Nirvanas POV

I was deep in the land of sleep before I suddenly became unsettled as I rolled onto my back, my eyes opening slowly as I looked at the white ceiling above, small rays of sunlight striped across it as I began to zone out, mesmerised by the orange tones. I pulled my arms from the tight sheets which surrounded me as I began to rub my eyes before stopping suddenly as I listened closely to the silence in the room. That was the issue, it was silent so what had managed to wake me from my well-needed sleep. "Nirvana" I heard being whispered in the distance as I froze before turning to look in the direction of the bathroom door noticing it was still locked. I began to sit up, looking around the room slowly as I inspected each shadow before I noticed the large one at the end of my bed which suddenly began to move closer to me, my heart beginning to race.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed at the shadow upon my bed, a strip of light glowing on their face as I noticed the smile of amusement which was sprawled across it. "FARLEIGH, I ALMOST HAD A FUCKING HEART ATTACK YOU BASTARD!" I spat as clutched my chest, concerned that my heart was going to burst out of it, while the male began to laugh as I remained mad. "I tried to do it in the most calming way I could. I didn't make any loud noises and I called your name softly for the past half an hour to wake you slowly. I could have walked in here with a fucking fog horn if I really wanted to" he explained as I started to question how he got in before realising in my rush of adrenaline from last night I forgot to lock my bedroom door. "What do you want, Farleigh?" I asked as he moved closer to me. "I want you to confirm what a little birdy has told me" he whispered as I tilted my head in confusion.

"I heard you argued with the queen of the estate, Venetia" Farleigh continued to whisper as I could tell he was living for the drama, a wide smile upon his face as he stopped for a moment to move closer once more before continuing "And I also heard you threatened her" his voice now seemed laced with excitement as I couldn't help but smile back at his eagerness to know. "Farleigh... Babe... All I am going to say is that she needed to be put in her place and if I had to be the one to do it, I would" I fake smiled as Farleigh smiled back before biting his lip, probably just trying to hold in his excitement of it all. "Well, my sweet Vixen, once you have properly woken up meet us on the tennis court and wear your best" Farleigh instructed before immediately beginning to walk out as I began to question what he meant by "your best"

"What the hell are you wearing?" I asked Feyre as I couldn't help but be shocked at the tennis dress code as she looked through her drawers, trying to find the best black tie attire to play tennis in. "A suit of sorts" she explained as she ransacked the drawers in front of her before she found a black pantsuit three-piece. The trousers were tight until they flared at around the knees, a tight see-through bodice clinging from her waist up, sewn-in beads covering her chest, and a black blazer complimented the outfit, the same beading upon the chest of her sweetheart-shaped bodice covering the shoulders of it. I left her as she began to get ready as I sighed looking at my drawers knowing there was nothing overly fancy. I scanned for what seemed like an eternity of stress until my hand met a knit fabric, pulling it from the drawer as I felt instant relief, knowing this was the perfect outfit.

I sat atop my bed as I tied my hair in a tight ponytail before curling two pieces to frame my face before my sister dramatically opened my door as she skipped in, her heels clicking on the wooden floor before she dramatically stopped in front of me. I looked her up and down as I noticed how excited she was, every part of her body language radiating it. She really loves it here. "Ten out of ten!" I cheered as Feyre spun around causing me to laugh slightly before I climbed to my feet as Feyre began to look me up and down. "Hm, a red tight-fit midi dress with a lace-lined bodice and red stiletto heels, exactly what every athlete wears to play tennis!" she joked as I began to look in the mirror at my appearance, adjusting the thin straps which flowed over my shoulders before crossing over my back as it snapped into place, untwisting. I adjusted the chest of the dress to make sure my bust had no chance of falling out as it finally began to sink in how ludicrous this whole idea was.

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